Page 257 of Icy Cold Death
She stopped her.
“No. I want to work,” she said, changing the subject. “What did you guys get during your interview and ghost hunt?”
They both laughed.
“What?” Bishop asked.
Trey filled her in.
She blinked.
Tori filled her in on everything that the dead woman shared with her.
Immediately, she grinned.
“He’s in so much trouble. We just have to prove he killed them. You have plenty of fingers pointing at him, and now a text message where it’s clear it’s him.”
Genesis laughed.
“She thinks he’s innocent and is being set up still. I don’t know how to change her mind.”
Bishop stared at her.
Then, she said it.
“Then she’s likely right. I trust Tori. If she’s going with her gut, we’re missing something.”
Genesis just stared into the rearview mirror at her.
“What? You too?”
Tori laughed.
“I knew I liked you a lot,” she teased, giving Bishop a fist bump.
It appeared that Genesis was outnumbered on this one. They did have a bet still going.
Instead of going there, Genesis humored them.
“Let’s head to the courthouse and talk to Aimee Lucas’ coworkers. If we’re lucky, someone will be there working.”
That was a good point.
“Do lawyers work on Saturday?” Genesis asked.
Bishop nodded.
“Lucian does, and if he does, then anyone who works for him does too.”
Well, then, they’d keep their fingers crossed, or worse case scenario, they’d find their homes and head there.
They weren’t giving up.
The dead needed them.