Page 259 of Icy Cold Death
“I’m kinda busy.”
And there it was.
A part of Lucian wanted to back off and leave, but the most important part of him knew better. He couldn’t run. If he did, they’d be in shambles.
They’d be lost. He got what he asked for when he said he wished he was stronger, but with all gifts, there was a curse.
And here it was.
Besides, he knew he hurt him. When you hurt someone you loved, you apologized. He’d learned that from when he hurt Bishop all of those years ago, and when he shoved her from his life—refusing to let her in.
“It can’t wait.”
Ridge put his pen down and still didn’t look at him. That was a bad sign.
Heading his way, he sat beside him on the couch.
“I’m sorry.”
The man was ramrod stiff.
“For the kiss or for when you pulled away?” Ridge asked, the words difficult to get out.
Here went everything.
“No. For not letting you touch me after the fact. I was scared.”
He could feel his emotions, and that anger spike. Ridge was now an open book. Being this close to him, he could read him.
Feel him.
Ridge didn’t look over at him.
“Please,” Lucian whispered. “Don’t cut me off. We’re tied together now.”
Still, Ridge didn’t look at him. If he did, he’d likely say something that pushed the man further away.
His whole body was calling for the man. Being apart from him was difficult now. Before, he wanted to go into the static with him.
Now, he had no choice.
Ridge felt like his life depended on being connected to this man.
When he got no response, but felt the wash of emotions, Lucian did what he could to save their relationship and friendship.
There was too much on the line.
He needed him.
They were bound at the aura, and already, the lure to touch him was getting hard to avoid. What he wanted was to put his hand on his arm, calming the static in his head.
With his third eye open, Lucian was doing battle with staying safe and not being pulled into it.
This scared him.
His gift was so goddamn strong that he might not survive it. He was losing himself in the static that was overwhelming him.
“The old me is ceasing to exist,” he admitted.