Page 269 of Icy Cold Death
He didn’t hesitate.
“Yes. In a heartbeat. I couldn’t stop there. I have clarity here. I need to see what happens if we do, and I need to justify it by how much information that gets us.”
Lucian agreed.
It was all kinds of weird how they were rationalizing a mental link and static fornication.
Their lives were never boring.
“And if they say yes?” Ridge asked.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t curious and drawn in by their link in the static.
He didn’t hesitate.
“Yes, because while I’m attracted to you here, there was insane. That’s more than I’ve ever felt. It was like our pure souls touching.”
He was aware.
“I’m stupidly in love with my wife as I know you are with Bishop, but when we connected there, Lucian…that was a different kind of intimacy. This existence falls away, and your aura is calling to mine.”
They were holding hands.
I want to be with you like that. I want to share that part of my soul with you.
Lucian heard him.
I don’t think we have a choice, Ridge. If we go there, then, we need to have someone here to be the kill switch. We can’t cross that line here on this plane. Oracle said we wouldn’t do the same thing here, but I’ll feel better if we have someone watch us.
He agreed.
Because if we cross that line, we’ve crossed it here. We can’t undo it. In the static, and I say this not trying to be anything but honest, we can not tell the wives the details. If one of them walks in on it, they will see it.
He agreed.
What happens in the static stays in the static?
In this case, to not hurt the wives, absolutely.
We’ll just say sex, and leave it at that. Who knows? What if it’s terrible?
Good point.
What was freaky was they were talking in each other’s mind.
Ridge dropped his hands and slid backward five feet, so he wasn’t touching him.
Then, he was thinking about some thing and Lucian immediately knew.
“I prefer boxer briefs,” Lucian said. “And it’s hella weird you’re asking me what I am wearing.”
Ridge blinked.
Yeah, he was wondering what he was wearing under his clothing.
Lucian tried as Ridge moved to the furthest room in the suite.
He thought about the man and thought about that last searing kiss in the static. The man had one hell of a mouth on him.