Page 272 of Icy Cold Death
“I’m sure it wasn’t pleasant. That’s why we’re here. We need to know about the man she was seeing.”
Coral nodded.
“I told her he was bad news. She knew it too. She followed him one day, and he went to this little boutique off the square, and she saw him flirting with a woman behind the counter. He was buying some perfume, and she thought it was for her.”
“And was it?”
The women knew what that meant, and they also knew the man was a sleezy asshole.
“What was the boutique?”
The woman sipped her coffee.
“Modern Woman.”
Genesis knew that boutique. It was next door to the nail salon where she got her summertime pedicures.
“The blonde behind the counter was making eyes at him, and he slipped her his card.”
“When was this?” Tori asked.
“About a week before she went missing. I saw on the news his wife is missing now. Is he killing people?”
Well, that depended on who you asked.
“What did Aimee do when she had all of this information?” she asked, avoiding that question like the plague.
“She ignored his calls, and then, one day, at the office, he came in with flowers, and she gave in. Then, she was gone. All this time, I knew it was him. He was an asshole. If he killed my best friend, he deserves to die.”
Tori was curious.
“Did he ever tell her to pretend they weren’t a thing?” Bishop asked.
She nodded.
“That was my first red flag. Then, the next one was that Aimee started getting cold sores. I told her that it looked like herpes.”
Well, no shock there.
The dude was going bare in strippers, and who knew who else?
“When she didn’t show up to work, I cleaned out her desk,” she said. “The funny thing was, he came in a few days later, super early, and I caught him trying to do the same thing. Then, his wife showed up, asking about her.”
They all paused.
“His wife?”
She nodded.
“I’ve seen her on his TV commercials. She’s too pretty to be putting up with him. She asked about Aimee, and I told her the truth. Her scumbag husband was cheating on her, and he killed my friend.”
Lordy, that likely didn’t go over well.
In fact, it might have eventually led to the woman’s own death.
“What did she say?”