Page 277 of Icy Cold Death
They sat back-to-back, and Lucian took a notebook. On it, he wrote one sentence since showing was easier than explaining.
‘Ridge, what is five times ten minus four?’
He showed her and only her the paper.
That’s when it happened.
“It’s forty-six,” Ridge said.
Wynter was surprised.
He drew a picture of a heart with a flower around it. Then, showed her.
“What did I draw?”
He told them.
“A heart and a sad-ass flower. Don’t be the one who teaches Cassia. Let Bishop do that.”
Holy shit.
“Did you just read his mind?” she asked. “Are you shitting me?”
Oh, well, it was worse.
Ridge took the paper and wrote one sentence and showed only Wynter.
‘What is my favorite part of my wife’s body?’
Lucian laughed.
“This is hella awkward, because this is not what you showed me but said. It’s her collarbones.”
He then drew one thing and showed his wife.
“Uh, a cross, Ridge? While we’re doing all kinds of heathen things with our minds?”
He was right.
The men both looked at her.
“Oh, Jesus. You guys can talk in your heads?” she asked. “Are there psychics who can do that?”
They both knew one who could.
Only, they didn’t go there.
“Apparently,” Ridge said, keeping his friend’s secret about Oracle. They would meet her soon enough.
“And you’re sure you’re okay with us going into the static and seeing what happens?” he asked his wife. “Are you sure it’s not cheating if we take that route?”
He was blunt, and he was going to go with whatever she said because she and Bishop deserved to have some say in it.
“Are you fully dressed in the room when you go into the static, and do you stay that way until you come back? No one’s dick touches anyone’s ass?”
Ridge nodded.