Page 281 of Icy Cold Death
“Oh, what’s this about?”
They didn’t mince words.
“This is about Cyrus Lawley.”
The woman looked worried.
Genesis continued.
“It’s been brought to our attention that you’re seeing him,” she said. “What’s your name?” she asked, seeing the name tag, but not a last name.
“Brooklyn Ashe,” she said. “And I’m not seeing him.”
She glanced over at Tori.
“That’s a lie.”
The woman flushed red.
“I’m not. He’s just a customer here. His wife likes a perfume, and he comes in to buy it from me.”
“That’s a lie tucked away neatly in some truth,” Genesis said. “How about you go with the truth, and we can all go home.”
Bishop crossed her arms over her chest.
“Are you seeing anyone?” she asked.
“I’m in a relationship.”
Well, unfortunately, that didn’t really mean anything because Keri Hester was too.
And they knew how that ended for her.
“What’s his name, Brooklyn?” Bishop asked, pulling out her notebook.
“I don’t see what that matters.”
Genesis laughed.
“Well, and I don’t see how you think it can’t matter. You’re sleeping around, and if he knows, maybe he got mean. Maybe he decided to off the competition to make him look guilty.”
That seemed to register.
“It’s not a he. It’s a she.”
Well, that was interesting.
She had a girlfriend, and a man she was banging on the side.
“Okay,” Genesis said. “What’s her name?”
“Jennie Smithson. She works at the hotel. She plans weddings. We met at one, and we’ve dated for a while.”
Bishop was curious.
“Does Jennie know about your man on the side?”
She shrugged.