Page 346 of Icy Cold Death
“Did he kill them?”
She lowered her voice.
“He absolutely killed the three mistresses and his wife. He didn’t touch Marny or Jennie Smithson. I guess we’re going to be splitting that bet money because all three of us were right.”
It looked like.
“If I’m kicked off of this, we might not be able to prove he killed them. He might actually get away with this. His father-in-law is clearly on his side.”
They noticed.
Tori knew what was left.
“We’re going to wait for you. Elizabeth’s tech division is running that number. They’ll find something. Hang in there, Genesis.”
She laughed.
“This has been a rough weekend.”
Julian patted her on the back.
“It’ll work out. It always does.”
Yeah, but would it? It had been a marathon day for all of them, and they were losing hope.
It was all kinds of shitty that the good guys might not close this one.
Once the detective was fired…
They were likely done there too.
A guilty man was going to go unpunished.
And that sucked.
* * * L I T T L E M O O N * * *
The ride to his father-in-law’s house had been a short one. The whole time, he was thinking about the truth and if it came out.
If it did, Cyrus would be screwed.
When this blew over, he was going to go to that lake and see if he could find his wife’s body.
And move it.
What choice did he have?
There was no doubt that the nosey cops were going to drain that waterway in spring. They’d never give him a break. So, he had to take care of it himself.
Like with the dead women.