Page 352 of Icy Cold Death
What the hell?
They needed the cops.
This put them in a bad situation. They couldn’t arrest them, and Bishop was the only cop there WITHOUT jurisdiction.
Now, Genesis and Tori were only PIs.
“We have to get this as evidence,” Genesis said. “We have to confront them and record it. By the time the cops get here, they could take the body, and we’re without any proof.”
She had a point.
“We can do both. I’ll call it in,” Bishop said. “I’ll tell them that Jesse attacked Cyrus for killing his daughter. He’s burying him in the backyard. You guys get it recorded. Get him to confess or something. I’ll get the cops here. I’m good at freaking people out. Ask Lucian.”
Bishop moved away, and she made the call, hoping that the cops would come.
Tori knew they needed to get in there, and fast.
“Bethany, let us into the yard.”
She waved her hand, and the latch unlocked and it slowly, quietly swung open.
“Well, now I really want a dead partner. That’s handy,” Genesis said.
Sometimes, it was.
The four of them began moving toward the body, Trey and Bethany leading them.
As they reached the backyard, they found the judge and a very pretty woman digging a hole.
Tori pulled out her phone and began recording, just in time to catch their conversation.
“It will be okay, Jessamy. He’s gone now.”
She was crying.
“I loved him, Daddy. I was desperate for his affection. I was so excited when he said he’d take me on a date. I can’t believe he looked me in the eyes and tried to kill me. Had I not faked it, he would have murdered me like those three other women.”
Tori was getting it all.
Oh, the judge was not going to be judging much longer.
Call it a hunch.
The judge stopped digging and reassured his daughter. Not far away, a spirit of Cyrus was freaking out and trying to get to them.
Little did he know that the darkness would come for him soon. It took a few minutes for the universe to hand out punishment.
The judge hugged her.
“He paid for what he did. No one will find him and know that I poisoned him.”
Tori could see the dead man walking trying to get their attention.
It was when the ground opened, and the hands came up, latching onto his spirit that she knew what was coming.
His punishment.