Page 46 of Icy Cold Death
She became…a different woman.
She became…a stranger.
The woman he loved went away, and in her place, there was someone so angry, bitter, and vengeful, that there was no way to calm her.
Beck knew that there was only a matter of time before this blew up in their faces and became a mess.
He had to do something.
The bottom line was that Beck was losing the woman he loved and married.
They had to fix this. Beckett knew his wife was inside, and all he had to do was reach her.
When he heard her coming, he planned to do just that.
When she came into the room, she’d just finished putting their daughter to bed, and he knew it was time.
“How’d it go?” he asked.
She shrugged.
Claire wasn’t sure.
It was funny how she no longer enjoyed the things she once did. Now, she was barely alive. She was so angry that it was consuming her.
All she wanted to do was make her sister pay for what she’d done to her.
To the family.
Lianna was a disgrace.
“It went fine.”
Just the monotone sound of her words did all kinds of horrible things to his soul.
Yeah, he was going to lose her.
The anger was going to be too much for her to handle, and she’d never come back from this.
No one survived in that much hate and anger. It eventually consumed them.
Beckett could feel the waves of it coming off of her body as she stood there.
Yeah, her aura was a mess.
“Want to talk about it?” he asked, hoping she would open the discussion so that they could work through it. Up to this moment, she’d been a powder keg waiting to blow.
She wasn’t having it.
From where he sat on their couch, he knew that someone had to alter this course before she was too far gone. Julian was having no luck, so that meant he had to do it.
They were headed for a cliff.
“Well, Claire, I would like to,” Beckett said calmly.
She glanced over at him as she put away the baby’s toys and bouncy seat.