Page 50 of Icy Cold Death
Or Autumn.
That hurt her heart even more. The mere idea of losing either one of them…
It was crippling to her.
How would she go on?
When her phone chimed in her pocket, she pulled it out. She knew the tone, so it was going to be Julian.
Clicking on the message, she read it.
‘I need to see you at work tomorrow morning. We need to have a talk. If you don’t show, Claire, I’m going to have to fire you. I’m sorry, but my business has become a mess because of your anger at Lianna. I love you, and you’re my sister, but you’re putting that anger over all of us. We need to discuss this, and Lianna will be there. I’m asking you as your brother, a man who has ALWAYS had your back to come and help me save this business. Littlemoon Inc. is only in existence because of the LITTLEMOONS. That’s you and Lianna. I know you hate her, and I know why, but you have a good life, Claire. This job has given you Beck and a haven. All I’m asking is you come, and try to work this out. Please. For me, Claire. I’ve always had your back, and I need you to help me save this agency. I need you to help me for a change.’
Talk about the universe trying to get a message to her. That was basically what Beckett had just told her. Apparently, she was the only one who didn’t realize it.
She read it twice, and felt horrible.
When she did, she realized Beckett was right. She’d hurt so many people with this war and for no reason.
Beckett would never cheat on her.
Claire could trust him, even if she couldn’t trust her sister.
She was angry, and not that person. Julian sounded desperate in his message, that he’d fire her.
He’d never do that to a sibling. That had to mean she crossed all kinds of lines.
It was time to start fixing this.
Did she have issues with her sister?
Oh, well, yeah.
Did she love her family?
More than anything.
Heading toward the office, she tucked her phone away and tapped on the door. It was time to stop being angry and making everyone pay.
When her husband didn’t answer, she knew Beckett was pissed.
Instead of waiting, she headed in.
Inside, she found her husband sitting on the couch in there, an e-reader in his gloved hand as he tried to calm down. She could tell that he wasn’t happy with her.
Honestly, he had every right to be pissed.
She’d really made a mess of this with everyone.
“What are you reading?” she asked, cautiously entering the room.
All around him, the office crackled with Beckett’s energy. That was the thing with his gift. He used psychometry, but when he was riled up, that electricity was present.