Page 67 of Icy Cold Death
She knew it.
He was treating a fellow cop like she was a suspect in a murder when all she and her friends had done was ski into the trees and find a body in the water.
Tourists wandered.
It happened a lot.
Genesis was smart enough to know that this was likely one of the women who had gone missing months ago. They’d found her car upstream at the park, and now, she was coming to the surface. It was also a case he’d been working before her.
Shocking it went cold.
He was so wrong with this one.
She tapped the window, getting Bishop Monroe’s attention.
Sorry, she mouthed. I’ll help you out. Ignore him. He’s a dick.
Bishop agreed there.
Honestly, she wasn’t worried. She was legitimately a detective. At some point, they’d leave her alone, and try to make her friends’ lives miserable.
He was that type of cop, and she was that kind of wife of a pricey attorney who liked to kick around assholes that made her angry.
When Lucian found out she was in the back of a police car…
This douchebag better hope her husband stayed on the East Coast.
For now, she was focused more on the man as he headed toward the car holding Bexley.
They could hear him because he was a loudmouthed cop with zero manners.
This should be fun.
Oh, his ass was grass when she handled this.
Not far away, Jon was planning to get one of them to incriminate themselves. It wasn’t difficult. Women were pussies and cried a lot.
He could break them and be home by midnight.
When he wrenched open the door, he stared in at the woman inside.
“And you are?”
“Bexley Darby.”
“What do you do for a living? Are you a PI too?” he barked.
She opened her mouth, and could see the female detective shaking her head, warning her not to give him anything as ammunition.
“I’m a writer.”
He seemed to calm down and that was a good thing. Bexley wanted to bounce and giggle. This was so exciting, and she couldn’t believe they found a body.
“What do you write?” he asked.
Bex knew what Lucian would want them to do. There was no doubt he was getting a call at some point. Tori was pissed, and their attorney would be hearing about it.
So, she gave him the least amount of information that she could. She was a PI, but she was known for her books. That seemed safe.