Page 82 of Icy Cold Death
Thank God for that daycare in their building. That had been the smartest thing they ever did. It cost the company money, but it was well spent.
This was the proof.
“He’ll be okay, right?” Raven asked.
They could tell this was the first time the man had been away from his new son.
They had all been there.
“Yeah, Hart is very protective. He will be fine, and the worst that can happen at day care is germs. Kids get colds.”
His eyes went huge.
“Relax. It builds their immune system and makes them stronger,” Bodhi offered, seeing the panic in the man’s eyes.
“I warded their house on the way out. I’ll know if something happens.”
They let that go.
What could they say?
A witch had to witch.
There was a commotion nearby. Ridge ran their way, dragging his suitcase behind him. It was clear he rushed to make the flight.
“Thank God you didn’t leave,” he said, breathlessly.
Lucian patted him on the back.
“We wouldn’t have.”
“Well, it took me a while to get out of the house. I had to explain to my wife why I was running away with my work husband in the middle of the night. She thought I was making a break for a new life in Tijuana.”
Lucian laughed.
How could he not?
Most people thought that there was something hinky between the two men when it was all psychic connection.
It was as simple as they were partners—specifically when they went into the static.
Then again, sharing auras was a very intimate thing that he usually only did with his wife when they were having sex.
“Did you tell her it was to help me save my wife and not us shacking up on a beach with a beer?”
The man winked.
They all found that funny.
There was no doubt he was busting their asses.
Know who wasn’t laughing?
Bodhi, who was pacing like a caged tiger, worried about his woman.