Page 104 of Assassin
It didn’t take long for Eve to find who owned it.
“Uh, ChinaStar is owned by Fang. He was importing illegals help from outside the country on his own ships.”
They knew what that meant.
“He was either getting paid to let them into the country, and they paid him back by working at his money laundering places, or he was pedaling flesh.”
When one of the women grabbed a pen, and tried to shank her, she grabbed her wrist, broke her arm, dislocated her shoulder, and shoved the pen into her throat, severing her carotid.
“Ewww, Major. That was messy,” Heath said.
She muted her com because that made Jagger lose his mind.
“What did she do? Someone answer me!”
She ignored him.
This was not the time or place.
“Clearly, they are protective of their boss, and they don’t look strung out or like they are being pimped. I’m going to say he made money bringing them here illegally, and they are working his businesses.”
She got her answer rather quickly.
“Agreed,” Dimitri said, peeking his head back into the room. “I found a ledger. Fang has been here. It’s pages upon pages of people who came in on his ships.”
Elizabeth was going to want to pass that off to Homeland Security for a round up of illegals here doing dirty deeds for the Chinese mafia.
“Get all of the proof that you can,” she said, and Dimitri went back to keep digging.
Only, before she could say anything else, Heath warned her.
“Uh, Major, we got issues,” Heath said, peeking out the window blinds he had previously closed.
Maura didn’t move.
Well, that didn’t sound good.
“What kind of issues?” she asked.
Heath clued her in.
“A police car just pulled up, and the two cops are headed this way. The one is carrying some uniforms. They must be using this place for dry cleaning.”
Well, shit.
Of course, they’d be showing up here and now.
Maura knew she couldn’t let the building get surrounded. They’d be trapped inside, and then, her husband…
Speaking of the devil.
“Do you need help?” Jagger asked, somewhat panicked by the situation that was unfolding. “I can get there and cover you.”
She stopped her husband.
“I got this, Babe. We don’t need a scene. Let me handle this,” she stated. Then, she focused on Heath. “Let them in,” she told the man. We each take one, and if they try to get away, the Snakes will handle them.”