Page 109 of Assassin
She warned her husband.
“Now, don’t bust his balls. He had ten years of celibacy. A man’s gotta man. Ask nicely.”
He snorted.
Well, later, when he got his wife alone, he was going to man all over her.
“Don’t forget it, Major. You better be ready for me later. I’m stressed the fuck out.”
Oh, Maura was aware, and she would be.
Besides, how could she say no to her sexy man?
As Heath hauled out the Uzis, the ones that Dimitri likely sold them back in Boston, Maura and the Snakes rolled bodies into the trap door.
The cops went first, only after losing their guns. They might come in handy.
Then, the Chinese ladies, and the one man.
When the door was closed, Heath had to stand on it to smoosh them down. He was jumping, and the sound of bones breaking was evident.
Yeah, it was a sight to be seen.
When her com beeped, she knew it would be her husband checking in after making his call.
“Head to Remmy’s. Calyx needs pick up. I told Remmy we’d watch his lady while he’s out doing dirty deeds CIA cheap.”
That worked for her.
Eve grinned.
“Let’s go pick up a flower for transport.”
And with that, they headed out.
The bottom line was that at least they got more of the guns out of Alexsandr’s reach.
That meant everything.
No guns meant no ambushes in the streets.
Because they knew the truth. He was going to be hitting the ground tomorrow.
Then, they’d be playing chase.
And that was always dangerous.
For them.
HIS prey.
Chapter Nine
Remmy’s Apartment