Page 207 of Assassin
Merry tucked her arm through hers, and smiled. “One more lady added to the team. We’re keeping the odds even.”
Jagger snorted.
“Like you guys need more women. The ones we have are CRAZY,” he said, staring at his wife. “Playing knife games while pregnant, Maura? Really?”
She laughed.
“I gotta be me.”
“Brace yourselves,” they heard Heath say over the com, and as the words were out of their mouths, Remington rammed the boat into the shoreline, tangling it with the trees.
Well, that meant it was time to go ashore.
“Toss him in,” Maura said, and they did just that, watching Shing float down the river right toward a congregation of gators.
Someone was dinner.
As the men appeared, they climbed off, helping the women through the bramble and toward the location where they were hiding their vehicle.
When Remmy pulled a box with a button out of his jacket, he hit the button.
Behind them, where they’d been, was an explosion. It rocked the area, and sent plumes of smoke into the air.
“What the hell?” Zayn said.
He explained.
“That was one of the bombs that Reaper left. Now, when they find it, the bomb teams will think it was some Russians.”
Hot damn!
That was a good plan.
“Hey, congrats on the engagement,” Jagger said. “Ready to get hitched?”
He grinned.
For the first time, in a long time, he knew the answer.
And it was yes.
* * * H U N T E R – C R O F T * * *
A Filthy, Tiny Apartment
This was not how he saw his arrival and domination of America going.
To be honest, he saw himself taking over, being the ruling king, and making the Americans pay.