Page 297 of Assassin
In frustration.
From where she stood in the crowd of tourists, Aly watched Jax go into the Italian place not far away.
Well, at least she’d found him.
There was only one thing she could do.
“I’m going to go eat pasta.”
He was confused.
“Ummm. Okay.”
She focused on the call because there was something she needed Greyson to know.
“Thank you, Dad. I love you,” Alyona said. “I’m going to go be a good partner and take your advice.”
Greyson knew one thing.
The kids would work shit out.
They always did once they were pointed in the right direction.
“I love you, too, and call me if you need me,” he offered.
“I will. Bye, Dad.”
When Aly hung up, she focused on the restaurant. She could see in the windows, and the pretty waitress was flirting up a storm with Ajax.
Oh, hell, no.
She was smiling, batting her eyelashes, and trying to give him a tit shot as he was reading the menu.
Oh, well, that didn’t work for her.
Because she was curious, she watched him order his food and then the arrival of a whole bottle of wine. It appeared that someone was tying one on.
Then again, she couldn’t blame him.
Giving the waitress time to pour him some of the wine, she watched each of his movements.
All he did was sit there, staring at his hands. When he pulled out his phone, then hesitated, she believed that he’d been planning to text her.
Only, after a few seconds, he put his phone away.
Yeah, she deserved that.
It appeared it was time for Aly to clean up her mess. Heading toward the door, she went in, and headed his way. When the hostess tried to stop her, she reassured her.
“I’m meeting my man. Let’s not make a scene,” she suggested.
That seemed to work.
She let her pass.
On her way towards him, Alyona stole a glass from another table.
They were sharing that bottle of wine, and hopefully, she’d be able to get him to forgive her.