Page 7 of Assassin
Rogue shook his head.
Heath didn’t realize how strong he was, and the last thing he wanted was his child squashed in a big Heath bear hug.
“He’s with the nanny.”
Heath stared into his sister’s eyes.
“You’re pregnant. I can tell.”
Rogue gasped.
“What the hell?” he asked, knowing they had just found out that morning. He’d been talking baby, and trying to convince his wife, only to find out that his sperm hit that target again.
Despite her wanting to ‘think about it’.
She laughed.
Then, she told the whole family.
“I am pregnant. We just found out an hour ago. We’re having another baby.”
The whole room erupted, and that added one more pregnancy to their family worries. Stella was carrying and showing, Eve was not far from delivering, Maura was pregnant and not far along, and now, Jinx was with child.
The problems just got deeper for the men in the family when it came to keeping their wives from getting hurt.
“I hope it’s a girl,” Heath said. “Hopefully, your husband can keep the baby safe.”
“HEY!” Rogue said. “I can keep my wife and children safe,” he said, protesting.
When he realized he’d managed to get Heath’s attention, he began worrying.
As Heath glanced over at him, he knew what the hell was coming.
A beat down.
Or a hug that was almost as deadly.
It turned out to be the second one.
When Heath hugged him, he swore he did it just a little too hard.
“Jesus. Can’t. Breathe. Heath. Suffocating. Me,” he muttered, wanting to see his next child born.
The big man laughed.
But he put him down.
“Congrats, Rogue. Hopefully, the next baby will also have my name.”
Yeah, hell, no. If they had a girl, she wasn’t having Heathcliff as her middle name too.
It appeared it was time to get the show on the road so they could handle this mess before it spread.
When Greyson took a seat, Zayn was watching them all, like they were going to start throwing bombs around the room.
Stella was practically wearing him, but then again, Dimitri was watching them all the same way.