Page 86 of Assassin
Chapter Seven
Chartres Street
The Other One
Elizabeth’s Hidey-Hole
Once the jet landed, Ajax got his woman away from the public and into the safest place for her. They were hunkered down inside Elizabeth Blackhawk’s home, and they were to stay there until told otherwise.
That was their instructions.
Under no circumstance were they to leave that building and be seen.
When the head of the mob family told you to do something…
Well, you did it.
No one was telling Greyson no—mostly out of respect for him.
Now, as they were in the nicely decorated home, safe and secure, Jax watched her pace like a caged tiger.
The closer to NOLA they got, the worse her nerves were. Someone was borderline strung out, and she wasn’t taking drugs.
She was in survival mode.
In fact, she was wearing like five guns, a pair of brass knuckles, and no doubt, she had some knives on her person too.
Why did that get him all hot and bothered?
Oh, yeah.
Because he was a sick, sick man.
As she wore a path in the rug, he just checked out her ass.
“What if he finds me?” she asked.
“I’ll kill him,” Jax said, not mincing words. “I’ll cut him apart, feed him to himself, and then throw a mother fucking party to celebrate his death.”
She stared at him.
“Uh, that was quite the description. Someone definitely shouldn’t be left alone around kids.”
He laughed.
“I mean, did you want me to just say I’ll shoot him? I was planning on that too. I have three clips. At twelve bullets a clip, that’s a good thirty-six holes in his junk for what he did to you.”
She actually laughed.
Then, focused on her man.
“I’m sorry. This has to be torture.”
He was honest.