Page 88 of Won't Back Down
In general, I didn’t just come here. I had no real reason to. As a child, I’d come once a year with my grandparents to do maintenance around the tomb, cleaning up and planting fresh flowers, while they told me stories of my forebears. But I’d never really felt connected. My grandparents’ remains weren’t interred here. Their ashes had been scattered according to their wishes. But something about today felt different. Maybe it was the weight of the family mantle now resting on my shoulders.
I laid my hand flat against the sun-warmed stone and closed my eyes.
I’ll do my best to honor your legacy. To protect what you gave us. To be worthy of the name Sutter.
When I stepped back, Miles launched in with his own over-the-top remarks about looking to the future while honoring the past. I didn’t miss the satisfied look he exchanged with Anthony Strand, who, so far as I was concerned, had no reason to be here. He wasn’t from Hatterwick. It had been clear from every interaction with the man that he only saw the island as a payday, one that would destroy everything that made Hatterwick unique. The sooner I could get away from that guy, the better.
As the ceremony wrapped, and the small crowd began to head back to their vehicles, I tried to find some enthusiasm for the remaining events of the day. Or even enough to make myself get back into the bigass Suburban with the other found family members. But that meant more of Miles and his sanctimonious nonsense.
Roland followed my gaze. “You want to ride back with me? You’ve got the parade next, right? I’ve got a pass to park near the staging area.”
The sense of relief was instant. “That’d be great. Thanks.”
I followed him to his sedan, sliding into the front passenger seat. My temples were really starting to throb now. I rubbed at the acupressure point between my thumb and pointer finger, trying to make it abate.
Roland cast me a sidelong glance. “Are you sure you’re up to this? You’re looking a little pale there. I could run you home right quick and make excuses to Miles and the rest of them.”
I forced a wan smile. “I appreciate the offer of an out, but I agreed to do this. I’m going to stick to my commitment. No matter how much I’d rather go crawl into a dark hole and nap. Besides, you absolutely do not have time to drive me all the way to the north end of the island and get back to stage the parade. I think we’re already going to be a little late.”
As if to punctuate the point, his phone rang. He answered on the car’s speakerphone. “This is O’Shea.”
“It’s Andy. Where are you? The natives are getting restless down here.”
“On my way back from the cemetery. I was at the wreath laying.”
“Staging was supposed to start ten minutes ago.”
“It’ll be fine. I’m not that far out.”
“I—Somebody grab those banners before they blow away! This was your job, O’Shea.”
Irritation flickered over Roland’s face. “I gave you a copy of the list with the order of the floats for just this eventuality. All you have to do is ensure they’re lined up in that order. I’ll be there as quick as I can.”
“No, no, the high school band goes after the Shriners. This is like herding a bunch of feral cats.”
“Deal with it, Andy,” Roland growled.
Pain exploded in my head, so fast and hard, my vision went white. Nausea roiled in my stomach and my head throbbed from where I’d been struck. I struggled to open my eyes to see who was speaking.
“Deal with it, Anderson.”
“Man, I didn’t sign on for this. I’m not killin’ no girl.”
“Then why the fuck didn’t you leave her where you found her instead of bringing her here?”
“I thought she’d wake up and follow us.”
“So instead you’ve created a witness and a liability.”
I managed to pry my eyes open the barest bit and spotted a tall, wiry man arguing with someone. “Why can’t they just take her, too?”
The other man gestured in my direction. “Do you have any idea who this is? No, that wasn’t the agreement. You provide the package as ordered. Nothing more, nothing less.” I could see only his back. Average build. Dark hair. Voice of authority.
“I’m still not killin’ her. I’m no murderer.”
“Take care of her, or I’ll take care of you.”
“No. I’m not?—”