Page 13 of Secrets Unveiled
“Fuck, what’s wrong?” He gets out, clearly out of breath from trying to get out of the shower quickly. I laugh as soap suds fall from his legs to the carpet.
“Nothing. Sage was having another nightmare. She’s fine now.” Rubbing his hand down his face, he curses under his breath before turning and heading back to the bathroom.
“Hey, Sax. You’ve got soap in your hair still.” I call after him. He flips me off before disappearing into the bathroom. I make my way to the stairs, but the sound of a door opening has me turning around.
“Um, Saint?” Sage’s small voice calls to me. I turn to face her. “Will you stay with me until I fall asleep? Please?” She isn’t looking at me; she’s looking down, as if embarrassed to ask. I don’t need to be asked twice. Making my way back towards her room, I usher her to get back in bed while I remove my boots, discarding them to the side. She watches me as I take my wallet out of my back pocket and sit down on the edge of her bed. She is already lying down, still in her robe, and when I lie on my side, facing her, she instantly curls into my chest.
This is not like her. We don’t do this type of thing. We bicker, fight, and torment each other. But this—this was a new side of Sage that she’s never shown me. Her nightmare must have really been vivid this time. Her body is trembling against me, and when I wrap my arm around her waist, she instantly presses harder against me. I wonder what she had dreamed about to make her so desperate to not fall asleep alone? I know her terrors from the fire were constant and have never eased up since that horrific day, but I wonder what she sees when sleep takes hold of her? Will she ever tell me?
“I’m sorry if this is awkward for you,” she whispers, but I don’t feel the slightest bit awkward with her. Rather, I feel the complete opposite, like this is how we should always be. But I can’t admit that to her.
“We can hate each other tomorrow. How’s that sound?” I whisper back. Her small scoff is her response. We lie there together, embracing one another in a way I am not familiar with. Well, not familiar with her, at least. I wait until her breathing slows again, and I know sleep has finally taken her. Then I gently extract her from my arms and leave her alone. How the hell did the night turn into this? Is she going to regret this tomorrow? As much as I feed into the role of the annoying brother’s best friend, I’ve always had this deep-seated emotional connection with Sage. I hoped one day she’ll see or feel it too.
My fucking head is throbbing, and I look like I’ve been hit by a whole convoy of semitrucks. I haven’t been this hungover in a long time. Don’t get me wrong, last night was everything I needed. Dancing with my friends and just letting myself relax and enjoy the night had been something I didn’t know I needed. Every year around my birthday, I fall into this deep dark corner of depression where the grieving process of losing my father begins all over again. I’ve been to counseling, but nothing will ever cure the pain of losing a parent—especially your only parent. It helped to talk with someone unrelated to our family, but the pain of reliving that day over and over while talking with a stranger quickly became too much for me. Being with the club helped me the most; they are my family and only they know and can sympathize with losing someone so special to me.
I’m on my second bottle of water when I hear arguing coming from the living room. It’s Saxon, and by the way his conversation is going, I can assume he is arguing with Sky again. Poor girl. They go at each other’s throats more often than not these days. I don’t ask Saxon about it though, nor do I ask Sky. They have their own issues to hash out, and nothing I say or do will help their relationship. Finishing my water, I toss the bottle into the recycling bin and head to the coffeepot to start a fresh brew. Grabbing the coffee and filling the pot, I fall into the routine of making the coffee, a task I quite like to do every morning. It relaxes me. I can’t explain it.
Hitting the on button, I lean against the counter and wait as the coffee machine starts up and begins slowly dripping the water over the fresh coffee grounds.
“Mind if I get a cup?” Saint’s deep voice fills the kitchen as he yawns while walking to the table. I look over at him as he reaches his arms above his head, stretching out his tall frame and groaning in the process. I can’t help but catch a glimpse of his abdomen as he raises his arms up, causing his shirt to lift as well. Looking at the hem of his pants, I see the ink that’s painted across his skin and feel my face start to heat.
What the fuck, Sage? Stop looking at your brother’s best friend. You aren’t supposed to be looking at him like that.
I quickly snap my attention back to the coffee maker before he catches me checking him out. I mentally berate myself as I head to the cabinet to fetch another mug. Standing on my tiptoes, I try to reach the mug, but my fingers keep pushing it further and further towards the back of the cabinet.
“Shit,” I mutter to myself as I continue to try to grab the mug. Just when I’m about to jump on the counter, I feel him behind me. His warm body presses against my back as a long arm reaches over mine to grab the mug I’d been struggling to reach.
“Here, let me,” Saint says as he cages my body in with his. My eyes close as I inhale his scent. He’s so close, touching my back, and I instinctively lean back into his frame. He smells so good, so fresh, as if he just stepped out of the shower. Spearmint and aftershave fill my senses, making me take in another deep breath.
“Sage, you alright?” I hear him whisper in my ear as his hands rest on my hips, helping steady me as I’ve now completely leaned into his body, resting against his chest. Realizing what the fuck I’m doing; I quickly escape from his hold and head towards the now finished coffee.
“Um, yeah, sorry. I’m fine. Just a little hungover,” I admit as I start pouring both cups and turn to hand him his. He’s right behind me again. Our bodies are the opposite ends of a magnet, attracting one another in the worst way. Grabbing the mug from me, he narrows his eyes on mine and sips his coffee.
“You sleep, okay?” he asks, his voice low, with a look of concern etched across his face.
“Yeah, I did. Why wouldn’t I?” He doesn’t answer right away, taking another sip as he backs away and leans against the island.
“You woke up screaming again from another nightmare.” I don’t remember having a dream last night; all I remember is falling asleep and feeling safe in a way I hadn’t in a long time. Looking in my mug, I take another sip before flashes of last night start becoming a whole lot clearer. Did Saint tuck me in last night? How did I get undressed and in my robe? What the fuck, Sage? He must have seen the horror of my unanswered questions because he sets his mug on the counter and comes to stand in front of me.
“I’m glad you slept well, and thanks for the coffee.” Saint’s large hands cup my arms, rubbing them up and down before placing a kiss to my forehead and leaving me utterly speechless in the kitchen. What the hell happened last night?
Topping off my mug, I take a seat on one of the barstools at the island and pull out my phone from my sweatpants. Pulling up Ophelia’s number, I open the text chain.
Sage: Thank you so much for last night. I needed it more than I realized.
O: Girl, we all did. But now as I sit, staring at the inside of my toilet, I think maybe we overdid it on the shots.
Sage: haha I feel pretty disgusting too this morning. But I have a question. Who brought me home last night? All I remember is falling asleep in my bed but don’t remember how I got there.
O: Saint brought you home. Owen brought me and the girls home, and Sax drove my car back to my house. You don’t remember? Girl you must have been way more drunk than me haha.
I stared down at the message for a long while before responding. If Saint brought me home, did he help me into my pajamas? Fuck, I didn’t even wake up in pajamas; I was only in my robe with nothing underneath. Had he seen me naked? Did he undress me and put me to bed? I have so many questions running through my mind, but my phone vibrating in my hand has me snapping out of my trance.
O: I physically don’t think I can throw up anymore. I have nothing left in my stomach. I’m going to grab water and Advil and sleep this off. Talk to you later. Love ya!
Sage: Love ya too.