Page 4 of Secrets Unveiled
My father always let me tag along with him when I was a kid. I was supposed to be his precious little girl, but growing up in this garage, I developed a love for motorcycles. I would watch club members working on their engines for hours, and learn anything I could from them. Of course, they always let me help them. I was what the club would call the “Garage Mascot.” That is until I grew up and became one of them. I do my fair share of work here. Tuning, oil changes, installs, paint jobs—anything, really. I love it here; it’s home.Ultimately, I want to add on to the shop and open my own custom paint shop that will allow me to showcase my work on other’s bikes. Putting two of my passions, painting and motorcycles, together just made sense to me. This place is everything to me, and I never want to leave one of the places that raised me to be who I am today. This is where I see myself in the future, and I’m determined to make it happen.
“Come on, you piece of shit, loosen up,” I say to myself, as I try twisting and turning to loosen the front axle on my motorcycle tire, but having no luck. After what feels like a good twenty minutes, I’m finally able to disassemble the front tire and remove it completely.
“Finally,” I breathe out, standing up and stretching my now aching back as I shake out my arms.
“I’d ask you if you need help, dear, but I know the answer I’ll get regardless,” Sam says to me from the sofa he’s been occupying for the better half of the morning. I smile at him, giving him a mock salute as I take a swig of water from my bottle. I know I’m stubborn, and he knows it as well. Sam is, or was, my father’s best friend. He’s in his mid-sixties and has been a loyal club member for most of his life. You could say Sam is like an uncle to me and knows me just as well as my father had.
“She’s stubborn as shit, Sam, you know that,” a voice chimes in from behind me, making my eyes roll.
“She’s passionate, not stubborn, and to be fair, I’d probably just get in her way, anyway,” Sam replies, shooting me a wink.
“Nah, she’s stubborn. You’re just too scared to say it, Sam. That’s okay, though. I’ll let her know.” Spinning around, I see Saint inspecting my work as he bends down, taking a closer look at my Electra Glide’s new tire. “You sure you can handle this install alone, witch stick?” he calls to me over his shoulder, still hunched over, looking at my work. I just sigh at him as I continue chugging my water, not realizing how thirsty I actually was. When I finish the bottle, I recap it and make my way to the large garbage bin by the doors, but then decide against it. I turn back to my bike and chuck the empty bottle, nailing my target right in the back.
“Nice shot, sweetheart—nailed him!” Sam chuckles as he claps his hands together in approval. I turn my back to Saint, smiling to myself before a strong-arm twists me around, and I’m met with a hard chest to the face.
“Saint, you better let me go, so help you,” I growl out, but he doesn’t take my threat seriously. Instead, he hoists me over his shoulder and carries me to the office.
“I swear, Saint, if you don’t put me down now—” I’m cut off as he tosses me to the couch in the office, nearly knocking the breath out of my lungs. “Damn it, Saint!” I bellow as I try to catch my breath. I’m only met with his deep chuckle as he leans against the door frame, folding his arms across his chest. I want to put up a fight. I want to beat his ass with my words, but as I see the clock on the wall, I begin to panic.
“Fuck, I’m late. Next time, I’m not letting you off this easily.” I point my finger at him as I start towards the door. His broad frame blocks me in, his eyebrow furrowed across his forehead as he looks down at me.
“What’s the rush, witch stick?” As I try to sidestep him, he continues to block me in, and I decide this is a fight I won’t win. “What’s got your panties in such a twist?”
I peer up at him, my eyes shooting daggers as he stands in my way. I sigh. “Sebastian is taking me out to dinner tonight for my birthday. There. Satisfied?” He remains unmoving, his large chest rising and falling with every deep breath he takes.
“I thought you two broke it off a few weeks ago? What’s got you running back to that dipshit, anyway?”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you, Saint. You’re not my brother, remember?”I give him my biggest grin, thinking I’ve won this one, but a voice quickly has my smiling slipping.
“No, he’s not, but I am.” Saxon’s voice trails in from behind Saint, the large office now seeming too small with the pair of them caging me in.
I rub my hand down my face, frustration causing a pinch in my head, and I feel a headache brewing.
“Listen, Sax, it’s just dinner. I know you both don’t get along, but I’m a full-grown adult who can make her own decisions.” I cross my arms over my chest, trying to give off the impression that I’m a big girl and know what’s best for me. Saxon peers down at me as he makes his way to the office desk and sits down in the large black roller chair.
“You’re right, sis. You are smart and can make your own decisions. Just know if he does anything to disrespect you in any way, I know how to eliminate a person without leaving evidence.”
“Ditto,” Saint’s deep voice chimes in, and I narrow my eyes at him, silently telling him to mind his business.
“My lord, you both are insufferable.”
“Where is he taking you?” Saxon asks, as he moves the computer mouse, waking up the black screen. I hesitate a moment, not really wanting to tell them where I’ll be because, let’s be real, I know they’ve both spied on me while I was on dates before. Saxon stops fiddling with the computer and stares at me, awaiting a response.
“Ugh, fine. He’s taking me to Raul’s Seafood.”
“Huh, did he make reservations? That place is impossible to get a table unless you make reservations,” Saint says as Saxon nods his head in agreement.
“Of course, he did,” I say to the pair of them, but honestly, I have no idea if he did or didn’t. I send up a silent prayer that he did, but knowing Sebastian, I fear we’ll be dining somewhere else tonight. Awesome.
I step up to Saxon and give him a kiss on the cheek before turning to the door and facing Saint.
“I’ll let you know the plan, okay, Sax?” He only responds with a groan, his way of saying you better.
Saint then leans down towards my cheek but catches the corner of my lips with his as I try to give him access to the side of my face. I freeze. Heat blooms across my face as I stare into his eyes and see the shock of what had just happened burning through them. As quick as it happened, he recovers in record time, stepping aside to let me through. My chest suddenly feels a tightness that I’ve never felt before. I leave the office and head towards my bike. Swinging my leg over the seat, I settle in as I start up my bike, revving the engine a couple of times before putting on my helmet.
“What time is he picking you up?” Saint’s dark voice fills my ears. Turning my head to the side, we are practically nose to nose, the sudden lack of space between us making my skin hot once again. What is he doing? Why do I suddenly feel so flustered? It’s Saint, for God’s sake. It was an accident—no big deal. Right? Then why do I feel like my lips have suddenly been struck by lightning? Did he feel that too?
“He’s picking me up at seven. Is that good for you?” I say sarcastically. He just taps my helmet twice before backing away, letting me ride away from the shop and towards home. I give one last look behind me and see Saint is still standing where he was, staring at me as I ride away.