Page 39 of Close Quarters
Wincing again, Reeves reached behind his back and took out his cuffs, locking them around his wrists.
The man took a few steps back and reached through the open window of his car to withdraw two sets of zip cuffs. Katie’s stomach fell as she realized these were the reinforced kind and not the simple zip ties Rayna Nydert busted out of a few weeks ago.
“Ms. Mitchum, come take these.”
Her eyes widened as he used her name, but she stepped forward and took the cuffs.
“Do your boyfriend first.”
She walked up to Alex and held out the cuffs, the tears spilling over now.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, holding up his hands.
She slid the plastic over them and pulled the ends to tighten the cuffs.
“Good,” the man said. “Put your own on. Use your teeth to tighten them.”
Katie did as he said, then held up her bound hands.
He motioned them to the car. “You two in the backseat. Deputy, you get to ride in the cargo area.” He backed up as they moved forward, waiting for Alex and Katie to get in before opening the hatch for Reeves. Once they were all settled, he got in the driver’s seat.
“Don’t try anything,” he warned, looking at them through the rearview mirror.
Katie huddled closer to Alex and tried to keep it together. Falling apart wouldn’t help. Instead, she stared out the window and did her best to memorize the route. It bothered her a bit that he hadn’t blindfolded them or worn a mask. And why he hadn’t just killed them, she didn’t know. Something changed, but she had no clue what. Whoever hired this man must think they knew something or had something. Once he realized they had nothing, it wouldn’t end well. But she would lie through her teeth if she had to. They just needed time to formulate an escape plan.
She wasn’t about to die because someone wanted to protect their sick self.
The miles ticked by while Alex seethed. If he didn’t think they’d crash, he’d wrap his bound hands around the asshole’s neck. He also wanted to know who was behind this. Someone was determined to keep the truth hidden, and he wanted to know why.
He sat straighter, taking in everything when the man turned onto a gravel drive that split through the trees. They were well into the mountains now, and while they’d risen in elevation, they hadn’t passed the tree line. The forest here was dense.
A large cabin came into view. It would be idyllic if not for the circumstances. Smoke rose from the chimney and rocking chairs sat on the porch that ran the length of the cabin. Another dark SUV was parked next to the structure.
Their kidnapper pulled up next to the other car and parked. He glanced back at them. “Get out.” Not waiting for them to comply, he opened his door and climbed out.
Alex and Katie shared a look before following. They met at the back of the vehicle where the man let Reeves out. The deputy groaned as he rolled out of the SUV. Alex ran an assessing eye over the young man. Blood soaked the right sleeve of his shirt. Sweat dotted his forehead and his skin was pale. The kid needed fluids and medical attention. Alex was surprised he could stand.
“You need to let me tend to the deputy’s wound.”
“Why? It’ll just be a waste of supplies. Once Pressley’s done with you, none of you will have need of medical attention.”
Shock made his stomach roll. He hadn’t wanted to believe it, but he could no longer deny Amanda was behind all their troubles. She must have staged her abduction to throw suspicion elsewhere.
The man waved them toward the cabin with the gun in his hand. “Inside.”
They filed ahead of him and up the porch stairs. Alex twisted the doorknob with his bound hands, letting it swing inward.
“Come in, Dr. Randall.”
Alex frowned as it was a male voice speaking. He’d expected Amanda’s.
He stiffened at the kidnapper’s command but stepped over the threshold. The first thing he noticed was the man standing behind a leather easy chair. Movement drew his eyes to his right. He saw Amanda sitting on the couch, wringing her hands in her lap as she watched them enter.
“You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve.” He took three rapid steps toward her, but the man behind the chair drew a gun and pointed it at him. Alex stopped and glared at them both.
“That’s quite enough, Dr. Randall. Have a seat next to my daughter, please.”