Page 41 of Close Quarters
“Good. Do it. I’m going to have a chat with my daughter and make our final arrangements. Don’t screw it up, or you’re joining them. Understand?”
Tony’s jaw twitched, but he nodded and walked closer. “Up.” He pushed on Reeves’s shoulder. The deputy moaned and staggered to his feet. “You too.” He pointed at Alex and Katie.
“Dad. Dad, you can’t. Please,” Amanda begged, rising with them.
“Hush, girl. Do you think your career won’t be affected if it comes out your father played a role in those girls’ deaths? I’m doing this for you too.”
“Bullshit! It’s only ever been about you.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “You’re not going to stay quiet if I let you live, are you?”
“Fuck no!”
He held her gaze a moment, before taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders. “Very well. It seems you’ll meet the same fate as your friends. I’m sorry, my dear.”
Alex felt a surge of pride for his friend as she faced her father. It couldn’t be easy to know her own flesh and blood was willing to sacrifice her to save his reputation.
“If you were, you’d turn yourself in. I hope you rot in hell.”
“Yes, well, I see you take after your mother. Tony, get them out of here.”
Tony gave Reeves a shove. The man crashed into Amanda, who caught him around the waist and helped him to the back door. Alex and Katie followed with Tony at their back.
Outside, a white work van sat at the bottom of the steps.
“You’re a man of few words, aren’t you?” Alex said. His eyes scanned their surroundings, looking for anything to help him overpower their captor. But there was nothing.
Amanda opened the van door and Reeves fell inside. She got in next to him and helped him sit, then Alex and Katie climbed in.
“What do we do?” Katie whispered as soon as the door closed.
“There’s a knife,” Reeves panted. “In my boot.” He swallowed hard. “Dumbass didn’t search me.”
Alex shifted so his back blocked Tony’s view of them. Amanda kept one eye on their driver as he got into the van and started the engine, and the other on locating and removing Reeves’s knife.
They bumped over the uneven ground as Tony drove them deeper into the woods. The ride was too jarring to try to cut themselves free. They’d have to make a move once they stopped. He motioned for Mandy to hide it in her clothes. She still had on her scrubs from the day she disappeared, so she tucked it into the front pocket.
He clenched his teeth, knowing they had to mount some kind of offense or they were going to die. The van just needed to stop so they could.
After another five minutes—and several bone-jarring bumps—they came to a halt. Tony exited the vehicle, and Alex shifted, ready to climb out.
“If you get a chance to use that knife, take it,” he whispered.
Amanda nodded.
The doors opened, and they squinted against the light.
“Out.” Tony stood there, a gun trained on them and a black duffel slung over his shoulder.
Katie was closest to the door and got out first. Tony grabbed her and thrust his pistol into her side. Alex’s heart stuttered.
Amanda followed Katie out, then turned to help Reeves. Alex pushed him from behind the best he could with his hands bound. The deputy’s pallor had worsened and there was an ominous rattle to his breathing that Alex didn’t like. If they didn’t get the man help soon, he was going to die.
They got him upright, but he couldn’t stand on his own. Amanda was the only one who’s hands weren’t bound, so the task of hauling him around fell to her, but she was a foot shorter and eighty pounds lighter than the young man.
“Help her,” Tony growled, looking at Alex.