Page 3 of Sam's Salvation
“Just dandy.”
She tried to read his expression, but it was too dark. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Words… don’t always like me anymore.” He shuffled closer. “I’m glad you’re doing well. I tried to keep track of you, but you disappeared.” He brought a hand up and skimmed her face with the back of his knuckles. “It’s good to see you, Audra.”
“It’s Alexandra.” Telling him her undercover name was an inane and dumb thing to say, but his touch short-circuited her brain cells. “In case you feel the urge to call my name in public again.”
He shuffled even closer. “If I say your name again in this city, I don’t plan for anyone but you to hear it.”
That low hum in her blood grew louder, and a shiver went down her spine. “Sam…” Her voice held a note of warning. They couldn’t spend any more time together than the few stolen minutes in this dank alleyway. Liam was expecting her back. She’d only stepped outside to cool down. It was hot in the restaurant, but she refused to take off her coat. Having Liam’s hand on her bare skin made her skin crawl.
Sam’s hand snaked into her hair. Tingles raced through her skin, feeling much different from what she was used to recently. Her eyelids fluttered for a moment before she forced them to stay open. She couldn’t let herself succumb to his charm.
With a gentle tug, he pulled her closer. “I know we only have a few minutes. Might as well make the best of them.” His head dipped.
Audra knew he intended to kiss her. She wanted him to, even though it was a terrible idea. She didn’t need thoughts of him clouding her mind. Not now. But just like their time in Spain, she was powerless against his magnetic pull.
His lips touched hers. Audra raised her hands and clutched at the soft material covering his powerful chest. She was tremendously happy she’d worn colorfast lipstick. Having to explain color smeared over her face would not go over well with her betrothed.
Sam slid a hand under her coat and around her waist, tucking her against his muscular body. Audra leaned into him, savoring the feel of his hard length pressed against her. She’d missed this. Missed him. Even after ten years, she still thought about him quite often. No one else had ever come close to making her feel the way he did.
Which is why she had to stop this nonsense. The timing wasn’t right now any more than it had been in Rota. She broke the kiss and extended her arms, putting some space between them. She didn’t let go of his shirt, though. Her fingers refused to uncurl just yet. Audra inhaled a deep breath, letting the faint, damp ammonia smell of the alleyway clear her head. She forced her fingers to open. “Go back to your hotel, Sam. Forget you saw me.”
He let out a snort. “Fat chance of that. You sure you can’t sneak away and come with me?”
Oh, how she wanted to. “Tempting, but no. I need to get back before someone comes looking for me.”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Why are you involved with the Irish mafia? And in America? What’s going on?”
Her eyes widened, and she was grateful for the darkness, so he couldn’t see her reaction. It shouldn’t surprise her that he’d figured some of it out. The man was far from dumb. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She backed up, unwilling to confirm his—correct—assumption.
“I can’t, Sam.” Her voice was soft. She backed up another step.
He huffed a harsh breath. “Fine. Just—be careful.”
“I am.” She drank him in for another long moment, knowing it might be the last time she ever saw him. Rolling her lips inward and pressing them together, she blinked and spun on her heel.
She paused, glancing back into the darkness, barely making out his silhouette.
“If you ever need anything. Look me up. No matter what it is, I’ll do what I can to help.”
She nodded once. “Thank you.” Squaring her shoulders, she willed her emotions back into their cage and walked away.
Three months later…
Audra slipped out of the overheated ballroom into the quiet hallway at Liam’s house. She was done schmoozing with his buddies and investors. If one more man tried to look down her dress, she was liable to smash his face in. She didn’t know why they tried. She never wore anything too revealing. It was part of the persona she’d crafted over the last two years. Demure, intelligent, but deferential. It was the perfect combination of what Liam Brogan wanted in a wife and what she was comfortable giving. Thankfully, she’d managed to put off sex with the man until their wedding night. A wedding night that would never happen. It didn’t stop his hands from roving, though. He made sure to stake his claim whenever they were in public. Yet another reason she’d crafted Alexandra Burton to be a demure lady. It meant she could wear sleeves and necklines higher than those that barely covered her nipples.
But her escape had another motive. Her fiancé had conducted a business meeting earlier with those same investors. She needed to find out what they’d discussed. Even though she worked for his company as his “assistant,” she hadn’t been privy to this meeting. That told her it wasn’t on the up-and-up.