Page 30 of Sam's Salvation
“Ready?” she asked.
“Do it.”
She pushed the unlock button, and the car beeped.
Sam yanked on the doorhandle and threw the suitcase inside onto the passenger seat. He dove in, smashed his foot onto the brake, and jammed the start button. With a quick look to make sure Audra was fully inside, he put the car in drive and sped out of his parking spot. A glance in the rearview mirror showed the shooter running through the lot after them, but falling behind.
“Do you recognize that man?”
Audra looked through the rear windshield. “Not specifically. But those tattoos—he’s Irish mafia.”
“You can tell that from this distance?”
“I saw them when he came around the house. Several of Liam’s men have a similar design on their faces.”
“Well, I guess this means we can trust your boss.”
“Not necessarily. If there’s a mole, Liam could have turned on him or her.”
A deep frown marred Sam’s face. He didn’t like her logic. It made too much sense and meant they still couldn’t trust anyone. “I guess that’s true. We need—” His words stuck. Sam pulled in a breath, trying to slow his thoughts. “We need to get out of town. Quickly. The gunfire will have drawn attention.” His gaze darted to his mirror and then to the road in front of them, then back again, looking for cops. In this area, the sound of gunfire wouldn’t go unnoticed and the police would be quick to respond.
It wasn’t just the immediate attention he was worried about, though. Someone had sent people looking for her. He knew she wanted to stay close, but he was thinking it would be better to fly down to Costa Rica now and circle the wagons.
She hummed a non-answer and stared out the window, watching for anyone following them. Sam wove through the streets, wanting to get away from cameras and people. He needed to call the team back and update them. Maybe Ezra could come pick them up. Though by the time Ezra flew to Las Vegas to get them, it would probably be quicker to just board a commercial flight. The only real benefit would be bypassing the TSA checkpoint.
He pulled into a quiet neighborhood and parked on a side street.
“What are we doing?”
“I’m calling the team. Asher might be able to get camera footage and identify the shooter.” He opened his phone and found Asher’s name in his contacts.
“Hey, Sam. I don’t have anything yet on the files Audra sent over. I just opened them.”
“That’s not why I’m calling. Someone just shot at us at Audra’s condo. She thinks it might be someone from Brogan’s organization. Can you find any camera footage around the neighborhood and take a look?” He gave Asher the address.
“Are you guys okay?”
“We’re fine. He missed.”
“Well, that’s good.” The sound of furious typing came over the line. “There are cameras at a couple of the intersections near her building. Give me a description. I’ll see what I can find. You two need to get out of town. Like, yesterday.”
“Planning on it. The guy was about my height. Short dark hair. Face and arm tattoos. Navy blue t-shirt and jeans. There was a dark blue Audi sedan out front of the condo when we arrived. It was the only vehicle that was occupied. I don’t know if the guy in the car is the same one who came at us. I didn’t see the driver’s face. He had short dark hair, though.”
“Okay. I’ll let you know what I find.” Asher hung up.
“You know, I’ve been thinking.”
Sam put the phone down and turned to look at Audra. “About?”
“I think we should stay here.”
“What? Why?” That was the opposite of what they needed to do.
“Think about it. The trouble is here. I’m betting the mole is here, too, if there is one. We need to be close. Vegas is a big city. It shouldn’t be that hard to hide.”
Sam tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, considering her plan. “It’ll be harder to stay off the police’s radar.”
“We can wear a hat and sunglasses when we’re in public. I just think we’ll accomplish more and get answers faster if we’re where the action is.”