Page 52 of Sam's Salvation
He wrinkled his nose. “I thoroughly dislike cold rain.”
She lifted a shoulder, still smiling. “You get used to it.”
“No. Never.” Laughing, he glanced away. “I have to admit, though, I like the milder temperatures. Costa Rica is hot.”
“You could always move back home.”
“It’s hot there, too, in the summer.” He looked at her. “Perhaps I should move here.”
Audra caught her bottom lip between her teeth at the completely serious look on his face. “I think I’d like that.”
Chair legs scraped the ground to her left. “Whew!” A young woman with her blonde hair piled in a bun on top of her head pulled the chair to their table and sat down. “You two sure can move.” Her black-framed glasses slid down her nose. Crossing her eyes and letting out a soft huff, she pushed them back up.
Audra sat straighter and glanced at Sam. His intense frown matched the one she could feel on her own face. She turned to the woman. “Excuse me?”
The woman smiled. “Hi. Sorry. I should introduce myself. I’m Jo.”
“Is that supposed to mean something to us?” Sam asked.
“I would hope so. Asher sent me.”
“You’re Jocelyn Richardson?” Sam said.
The woman nodded. “Yes. But call me Jo.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Sam offered her a smile.
“You have something for us, I’m guessing?” Audra said, forgoing the pleasantries. “Since you tracked us down.”
“I do.” She glanced toward the café’s interior. “Your drinks are coming.”
Audra turned, and sure enough, the same server who’d taken their order was headed back out with a tray. He smiled as he set the two black coffees on the table. “There you are.” He looked at Jo. “Would you like to order?”
Jo waved a hand. “No, thank you. I’m fine.”
With a nod, he disappeared.
Audra fiddled with the handle on her cup. Her heart thumped in her chest. She took a deep breath, trying to force it to calm down. “What did you find out?”
“Quite a bit, actually. I logged into your boss’s computer. Both the one in her office and her personal one. She’s been doing some digging on you and on your handler.”
“Oh?” Audra set down the cup she’d just picked up.
“Yep. Finances, internet history, even some camera surveillance she pulled from Las Vegas CCTV. She had a file with notes about what she’d found. The only thing she noted about you was how you’d withdraw cash from your personal account every month. She wondered what you were doing with it.”
Audra caught Sam’s quick glance her way and knew he was remembering her stash of money in her safe. “What about Theo?”
“She found the bank account that goes with the statements you all found at his house—Asher mentioned that. I’m not some psychic—but she couldn’t access it to see how much money was in it. She traced it through a shell corporation he set up called TS Holdings.”
“That goes with the code from Liam Brogan’s ledger that Audra found.”
Jo frowned. “What ledger?”
“Asher told you about the bank statements, but didn’t tell you about the ledger?” Sam’s eyebrow shot up.
She shook her head. “All I got were copies of the bank statements and the two names he wanted me to dig into.” She shrugged. “He was CIA. They compartmentalize information like no one else.”
Audra snorted. That was the truth.