Page 56 of Sam's Salvation
Dee rolled back and grabbed it. After logging in, she passed it to Audra.
“I know it’s against agency policy, but I put too much time and too much of my life into this operation to leave everything in someone else’s hands. I bought a private server, and I’ve been backing up information.” Audra pulled up the server and logged in.
“Audra…” Dee sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“You can pretend you didn’t hear that.” Audra turned the laptop around. “I copied the thumb drive and all the pictures. Sam sent everything to his friend. We think Liam’s number two—Donny Callahan—has been paying Theo to keep quiet. And that his brother Patrick could possibly be involved as well.”
“What?” Dee took the computer and started scrolling. “That doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t he rat Theo out to his boss?”
“To take over. It gave him leverage with everyone else. Theo would be long gone—forsaking me—when Donny made his bid to take over. He could use me as proof that Liam was inept as a leader. Who brings the enemy into his family circle?”
Dee rubbed her forehead as she continued to scroll. “All right. So, what brought you to me? Why did you decide you could trust me again?”
Audra glanced at Sam. She didn’t want to expose Jo. So, she threw Asher under the bus. “His friend discovered you’ve been doing some digging of your own.” She tipped her head toward Sam.
Dee narrowed her eyes again. “Who’s your friend?”
“No one you need to worry about.” Sam’s smile dropped, his expression turning serious.
“You realize I can ruin your life just as easily as I can ruin hers, right?”
Sam offered her an artificial smile. “But you won’t. Not with what we’ve brought you. And not with what you still need from us.”
“I have dozens of operatives I can put on this. I don’t need either of you.”
“That is a load of tosh, and you know it.” Audra glared at her boss. “Who else knows this op like me? Sure, you’ve got the files now, but I’ve got the key.” She pointed to the side of her head.
“I could lock you up. Right now. And keep you there until you give us everything.”
“You could. But why? I’m offering it to you.”
“With strings.”
“To protect the people who have helped me. Sam’s only here because he wouldn’t let me come alone.”
For several seconds, Dee stared at them. Audra forced her lungs to inhale and to maintain a relaxed posture while she watched the indecision war in her boss’s eyes.
Finally, Dee huffed. “Fine. But let’s not give out anymore sensitive information, all right?”
Audra started to reply, but Sam cut her off before she could do more than open her mouth.
“Let’s get something clear. I’m here for Audra. I don’t care about your rules or your agenda. If I think it will benefit her and keep her safe, I will give whatever I want to whomever I want. That said—” He stopped, taking a breath. “We’re on the same side. We want the same thing. Mostly.”
Dee tipped her head. “You’re either a brave man or a foolish one.”
“I’m probably a bit of both.”
A sudden smile spread over Dee’s face and crinkled the corners of her eyes. “Yes, I think you are. Hopefully, you’re also a sane one.”
Sam concentrated on the feel of Audra’s hand in his, keeping his emotions in check—mostly—while they talked to her boss. They’d gotten past the highest hurdle, convincing her they’d done what they had for the greater good. His anxiety level was lower now that he knew she wouldn’t call the cavalry to hunt them down and throw them in jail.
“Have you uncovered anything on Theo?” Audra asked. “About why he did it? Because all we have is speculation.”
Sam focused on Dee, waiting to see if she’d tell them the truth. They knew she knew about the large deposits to Theo’s bank account.
“No. I uncovered some large financial transactions—the same ones you found, most likely—but I haven’t made any inquiries with his colleagues. I wanted more proof before I started asking questions. I didn’t want it to get back to him and chase him underground.”