Page 59 of Sam's Salvation
“So, we need to dig deeper into the Powells,” Max said. “Find out why they want to partner with Brogan.”
“Or why Brogan wants to partner with them,” Dean said.
Max tipped a finger toward him and nodded.
“I can go back through all the intelligence I’ve gathered on Liam’s organization. See if I can find a hole they could fill.”
“Sounds good,” Dean said. “I’ll call Asher and have him run background on the Powells. Can you bring that intel here? If we all go through it, it’ll happen faster.”
“I already have it. I stored everything on my private server. My laptop is in my bag.” She pointed at her suitcase.
“Well, let’s start digging, then.” Dean glanced at Max. “You want to call Asher?”
“On it.” Max already had his phone in his hand.
Sam crossed to her bag and unearthed her laptop, then handed it to her. Audra logged in.
“Ash, you’re on speaker.” Max set his phone on the table between the two beds.
“What’s up?”
“We think we’ve come up with a plan to get to the Callahans. We’re going to go through everything Audra has on Brogan and find a way to get me into the fold. She thinks maybe somewhere in distribution. The night things went sideways, they met with two men. Simon and Geoffrey Powell.”
“Okay.” The sound of Asher typing came over the line. “Audra, what can you tell me about them? I need something to narrow the search.”
She blew out a breath, ruffling her bangs, thinking. “Not much. They own some wholesale warehouses in Vegas. They didn’t actually talk much business at dinner. They had some lady friends with them. One was named Celine. I don’t know about the other one. No one introduced us. She was high as a kite, though.”
“What?” Dean asked. “That didn’t sound like a speculative hum. That was a, you’ve got something hum.”
“I typed as Audra talked and found them, I think. They popped up in a law enforcement database. Let’s see here…” He paused for several moments, then let out a soft whistle. “They’ve both been arrested for drugs. Years ago. Does Brogan run meth?”
Audra’s heart rate quickened. This could be what they needed. “Yes.”
“I think there’s your answer.”
“So, it’s not stolen goods they’re running out of their warehouses,” Sam said. “It’s drugs.”
“It might be goods too,” Asher said. “I doubt they limit themselves. I’ll keep digging. Audra, can you talk to your team there and find out if the Powells are on anyone’s radar? From before, I mean. Not since you made contact with them.”
“I can ask my boss. And maybe the FBI agent in charge here.” Though she was a little hesitant to give him too much. They still didn’t know if Theo had been working alone.
“What about that friend of Brooke’s?” Max asked. “We could come at this from multiple sources. I think we’ve all learned over the years that the talking heads don’t necessarily all talk to each other.”
Asher snorted. “That’s the truth. And are you talking about her friend Finn?”
“Him, too, but I meant that sheriff who’s married to her friend. Wasn’t he FBI?”
“He was. I’ll talk to Brooke; have her talk to them. I’m not sure he or Finn will want to get involved, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. We need information. Max, I’m going to start building a fictitious background for you. We’ll fill in what kind of crime you’re into once we get a better picture of how to approach Brogan and his organization.”
“Sounds good. Give me a good name. Not something weird, please.”
Asher let out an evil laugh. “I have all ze power,” he said in an exaggerated German accent. “We’ll talk again tomorrow and compare notes.”
Max rolled his eyes. “I swear, if I end up as Boris Smelzer or something equally awful, I’m going to murder you when I get home.”
“You can try.” Asher chuckled, then hung up.