Page 73 of Sam's Salvation
He glanced at Max and Dean. Their faces held much the same realization.
Gathering chairs, they pulled them up to the table, flanking Audra. Sam didn’t want to scare the girl by surrounding her.
She lifted her head, her eyes going wide as she took them in. “Um, Amber? Who are these guys?”
Audra offered her a soft smile. “These are my friends. They’re here to help too.”
The girl set her fork down. “I think I should go.”
“Please stay.” Audra touched her hand. “Let us explain? I promise we’re not here to hurt you. You’re safe.”
Indecision and a hint of fear lit the girl’s eyes. Sam tried not to look intimidating, but wasn’t sure if he succeeded. He wanted to know what was going on, and those thoughts made him frown.
“Please?” Audra said again.
After a moment, the girl nodded. “Okay. It’s not like I have anywhere else to go.” Despair colored her voice. Sam saw tears gather in her eyes.
“Love, look at me.” Audra’s voice was soft, but firm.
The girl lifted her head to look Audra in the eye.
“You said I looked familiar.”
The girl nodded. “You do, but I can’t place you. My brain’s all fuzzy. I can’t think straight.”
Sam fought to keep the glower off his face. He wanted to strangle Simon Powell with both hands.
“How about if I talk like this?” Audra slipped into her American accent. “And tell you to imagine me with dark hair. We had dinner about two weeks ago. With Simon, his brother, that woman you were with tonight, and Liam Brogan.”
It only took a second for recognition to light the young woman’s face. “You’re Liam Brogan’s fiancée.” She glanced at Sam, Dean, and Max, then frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“I’m not really Liam’s fiancée.” Audra slid back into her normal voice. “Well, technically, I was, but I never intended to marry him. My name is Audra. I’m an undercover operative. These men are friends of mine, helping me to clean up the mess my op has become.”
The young woman blinked twice, slowly, then laughed. “You? You’re a cop? Get real.”
“Actually, I’m a spy.”
The woman laughed harder. “Oh, come on. Seriously?”
Audra just stared at her. Sam didn’t blame the girl. It all sounded rather far-fetched.
Slowly, the woman’s laughter died, and her eyes widened as she took in Audra’s serious expression.
“Wait. You’re serious? Like double-oh-seven stuff?”
Audra cracked a smile. “Not quite, but yes, I’m telling the truth. What’s your name?”
The girl frowned. “You said you knew me.”
“I do, but no one introduced us that night.”
“Oh. I’m Poppy.”
Audra’s smile widened. “It’s nice to meet you, Poppy.”
“Um, you too, I guess. So, what do you want with me?”
“We need your help.” Audra glanced at Sam. He gave her a quick nod, and she turned to Poppy. “Does Simon ever talk business around you?”