Page 88 of Sam's Salvation
“Sam, where are you?” Max said.
“Beyond the containers. Near the fence.” He walked toward the chain link, head on a swivel.
“I see you,” Dean said.
A moment later, Max spoke. “Me too.”
Sam continued toward the fence.
“Man, that place was a maze.” Max caught up to him.
“Are we going back in?” Dean joined them. “Audra’s still inside, right? And Callahan?”
Sam stared at the empty lot beyond the compound. His gut told him something was very wrong.
“Sam?” Concern colored Dean’s voice.
“I’m not sure.” He turned to his right, walking down the fence line. Twenty yards down, he found a break in the fence. The chain link was cut and rested against the pole. He hooked his fingers through and tugged, rattling it against the hollow pipe. He glanced down. A tiny piece of dull metal caught his eye, and he crouched down.
“What did you find?” Max shifted closer.
Sam’s blood ran cold as he picked up what he saw. He held it out as he stood up. “Audra’s mic.”
Dean muttered a curse.
Sam yanked on the fence, pulling it back. “Come on. We need to get back to the van.”
The three of them slipped out and took off for the surveillance vehicle at a sprint. Jessica looked up with a soft squeak when Sam yanked the door open and hopped inside.
“Jesus, you scared me.”
“Sorry. I need every camera feed you can get me on the north and east sides of the property. Where’s Moran?”
She blinked.
“Now!” he barked.
She jumped.
Dean laid a hand on his shoulder. “Calm down. We’ll find her.”
Sam clenched his teeth, barely holding on to his temper. He didn’t want to calm down. He wanted to find Callahan and put his fist through the scumbucket’s face.
“Audra’s missing, and Callahan got away. We think they’re together.” Dean tipped his chin toward the monitors. “Can you please find any footage from those sides of the compound? And what’s the status of the raid?”
“Holy crap. Um, sure.” She spun around and started typing. “I’ll look to see if any of the businesses on that side have security cameras. There were supposed to be a couple units parked over there, but everyone was recalled to the warehouse for shots fired. Moran caught the Powells, but some of the other guests didn’t want to go quietly. Apparently, the weapons search at the door isn’t too thorough.”
“The Powells are in custody?”
She nodded.
“Moran scuttled them away to interrogate them a few minutes ago. They’re headed to FBI headquarters.”
Sam spun around. “Max, where’s the SUV?”
“Dude, they’re not going to let us in. We’re better off waking up the business owners on that side of the property and asking for their camera footage.”