Page 53 of Their Trials
“Come for me, Rhowyn,” he demanded as he pinched my clit and slammed into me one last time. I came so hard that I saw stars, my legs clamping down around his waist, holding him in place as he poured his seed into me.
His groan as he came sounded in my ear, and his warm breath caressed my neck as he rested his head beside me. We stayed like that for a long time, simply basking in the afterglow. “You are absolutely amazing, Rhowyn.”
I laughed, fucked completely senseless. “You weren't so bad yourself,” I teased him, squeezing my thighs again. “Sir.”
He groaned. “If you keep that up, I'll start fucking you again.”
“And why is that a bad idea?” I asked as he released the knot from my hands, allowing me to grab his shoulders, finally able to touch him.
He laughed. “It’s not, but I know the others are waiting for us, and you need to get some sleep because I have a feeling that the next trial will be coming soon.”
I groaned at that thought, sobering slightly, the thoughts crashing into me again. However, this time, I didn't feel like I was drowning. For once, I felt like I had people to help me, to back me up, and keep that from happening.
I smiled at him softly with that realization, my hand coming up to cup his cheek. “Thank you, Arryn,” I told him, hoping my eyes could convey everything I felt.
He kissed me softly, his tongue dancing with mine before resting his forehead on mine. “I'm yours, Rhowyn, for however long you'll have me.”
The gravity of that sank in, and I knew I couldn't let him down. I didn't know how I would get out of this mess without screwing everything up, but I knew I had to try. I'd do everything I could to ensure that we made it out of this alive and whole while also keeping my promises to those I had left back on Earth.
With him and Baer, I felt like, just maybe, we might actually have a chance of figuring this all out.
Chapter Twenty One: Lennox
Sitting at the table in the main room of our suite, I watched as Arryn sipped from his coffee. After being exposed to the human drink for the first time not too long ago, he had since become an avid drinker. Personally, I wasn’t a fan and stuck to our lavender tea, enjoying the bold and sweet flavor on my tongue. Although, I was certain I would much prefer the taste of Rhowyn every morning than this tea.
Smirking to myself at the thought as we both sat in silence, enjoying the calm before the storm, I glanced at Callum, who was standing guard at Rhowyn's door. He might not want to admit it, but he had adopted her.
When we were growing up, he was constantly finding other fae to care for, defend, or protect, myself being one of those fae. He had taken me under his wing, watching out for the scrawny youngling that hadn't grown into himself yet. He helped me learn how to navigate the Courts and stand up for myself.
Unable to bear the weight of those memories, I stared at the table, sipping my own tea. As good as those times were and no matter how much I missed our friendship, I couldn't escape the fact that I was responsible for most of his pain. Usually, I was pretty good at ignoring things right in front of my face, especially if it was something I wasn’t quite ready to deal with them.
Unfortunately, after the first trial, I could no longer avoid the glaring distance and history between us. Yes, he had forgiven me. Yes, he said he didn't actually blame me for what had happened. But I just couldn't seem to quit condemning myself. I should have seen it coming. I knew what Mother was like, even then. I knew how cruel she could be, and yet, I trusted her when I shouldn't have.
Baer rescued me from my maudlin thoughts as he entered, stretching his arms above his head, his shirt rising as he did so. “Morning.”
He was too much of a morning person for me, so I arched an eyebrow at him, not ready to respond verbally. He didn't take it personally, both him and Arryn having improved moods since joining with Rhowyn. I couldn't quite tamp down my jealousy at that thought, more than eager for my chance to be with her.
However, I also couldn't help but feel as if I was the only one of her consorts not pulling his weight, not actually worthy of her affections. The only thing I offered her was the trouble of my mother. A part of me believed she would be better off without me in her group. At least then, she might be able to fly under mother's notice. Since she'd bonded with me, she would remain front and center, watched carefully by Mother.
“Morning,” Arryn said, as Baer filled himself a heaping plate of food. I wasn’t sure where he put it all, but it definitely hadn't hurt him any. His physique was muscular and slim, giving testament to his water nature and swimming.
Arryn set his cup down on the table, his face growing grim as he watched Baer. “Last night at the ball, I couldn't help but notice your reaction to Genevieve's name and person. You realized something at that point. What was it?”
Baer swallowed the bite of food he’d just taken, looking down at the table as if deciding what to say. Having made a choice, he met Arryn's gaze. “The night that Rhowyn was whipped, she didn't fall on her own accord.”
I set my tea down as well, leaning forward. I had an inkling of where this was going, but I needed to hear it from his mouth. “If she didn't fall on her own, then what happened?”
“She was pushed,” he said, his tone indicating no insecurities. He was sure of this.
“Pushed? By whom?” Arryn inquired further, fully focused on Baer's answer.
“At first, I didn't know who it was, never having met her before, but when you pointed her out last night, I recognized her. Genevieve pushed Rhowyn into the servant and caused the scene. The look on her face afterward proved to me that she had done it on purpose as well. I'm just not sure if she knew what would happen, or if she was simply hoping to embarrass Rhowyn.”
“That stupid bitch,” I cursed under my breath. I couldn't say I was surprised, this sounding exactly like something she would do, but it still pissed me off.
Arryn sat there, mulling over this new information. “We can already assume that Genevieve is a threat, and she has it out for Rhowyn. What I don't know is if she is in league with the Queen.” He turned to me, and I knew what he was going to ask. “Do you think you can find out more from your mother? Or if not her, then Genevieve herself?”
I sat there, not exactly happy about the task, but knowing my history and connections made me the best suited to take on the matter. We needed more answers, and it was a way to be useful. I didn't exactly have to like it, but it was something I could do to help Rhowyn.