Page 73 of Their Trials
“What!” she exclaimed. “You don't think I can?” she asked, her hands going to her hips, accentuating the curves, and drawing my attention temporarily.
After staring at the outline of her body for a moment too long, I shook my head in answer, huffing again, truly amused at her antics. Shifting was something that took time to learn and gain control over. It was painful the first time as the body adjusted to a new and unfamiliar form.
I felt her determination rise through our bond, and I turned as she stalked back into the cave. Wondering what she was doing, I stared her down over my shoulder, my focus on her every move. The sway of her hips as she walked away from me and the way her ass sat perfectly atop her thick thighs. Thighs that could wrap around my waist, squeezing me tightly as I fucked her. She bent over, her back still toward me, and my thoughts turned to how much I wanted to take that ass. I wanted to fuck her hard, punishing her for all of her sass.
Her boots flew across the cave floor before she stood back up. Then her hands went to her tunic, pulling it up and over her head before it followed her boots and socks. I stared at the scars that littered her back, my anger growing until I was growling.
She turned her head to look at me over her shoulder, her arms crossing over her chest. “Turn around.”
When I didn't immediately comply, she huffed out. I could imagine her stomping a foot as she pouted. She'd have to let go of her breasts if she was going to force me to do anything. For a moment, I considered grabbing her tunic and running off with it, but then she softened. “Please?”
Unable to resist her request, I huffed out my displeasure at having to tear my eyes from her, turning to face the forest again. I could hear her shuffling behind me. Although I wasn't sure, I was guessing that she was trying to shift.
I knew she could feel my amusement down the bond when her annoyance with me grew. Even though I wasn't looking at her, my full attention was now on the vexing woman behind me, her intoxicating scent filling the cave and pulling me deeper into her orbit.
I blamed my distracted state on her when a dark shape flew past me without warning. I growled out and moved to pounce when I realized it was a raven that was now sitting on a small stone at the back of the cave.
A puff of smoke clouded my vision briefly as the Raven took his human shape. Rhowyn gasped in shock, her hands moving to cover her chest and privates.
Realizing the bastard was taking in her curvaceous figure, my shoulders lowered as I stalked toward him, preparing to attack. I didn't care how close he and Arryn were, he didn't have the right to look at Rhowyn like that.
“Excuse me!” Rhowyn snapped as the bastard's eyes finally met hers. His face paled slightly when he saw her expression. I turned to see what had a man such as him fearing her to find her wrath written all over her face. “What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get the fuck out until I'm dressed.”
I huffed out a laugh as he slunk from the cave, properly chastised, until she turned that wrath on me. “You too,” she snapped, as my eyes started to drift across her chest, wishing her hands would slip and give me a better view of her nipples or pussy.
Dipping my head at her words, I slunk out of the cave after the Raven bastard. I heard her hurried movements as she rushed to dress before anyone else found her completely naked. I snickered to myself at the thought until I came upon the Raven, who was now smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes with a growl.
“Now, now,” he said, raising both hands in a placating gesture. “Is that any way to react to your rescuer?”
I growled louder with his words, which were meant to antagonize me. “Knock it off, Callum,” Rhowyn said as she stomped out to meet us both, her hands crossed across her chest and a hip thrust out.
I narrowed my eyes at her, sending my displeasure at her response through the bond, but I stopped growling. “Such a good boy,” the Raven cooed.
Before I could react, Rhowyn stepped forward, decking the Raven, and sending him sprawling onto his ass.
Chapter Thirty Three: Rhowyn
My fists clenched and relaxed at my side as I tried to keep myself from throwing another punch. Not quite sure what had come over me, I stood there stewing in anger.
Sure, his presumptuous attitude had annoyed me, and I didn't like the fact that he had caught me with my pants down, literally, but it didn't explain my fierce reaction to his mocking of Callum. It was something that I would have said had he not, but I found myself not approving of someone outside of our group demeaning him in such a fashion.
Callum sat next to my side, and my fingers drifted to rub his back, sinking my fingers deep into his fur. His anger had settled and was no longer fueling mine. Instead, I felt satisfaction and pleasure. That realization helped calm me as I glared down at the Raven.
He rubbed his jaw, propped up on one elbow as his narrowed eyes studied me. Finally, he laughed. “That's some fire you have there.” He pushed up to standing, dusting himself off. “Although, I would advise against doing such a thing again. Most people who attempt to attack a Raven find themselves regretting that decision rather quickly.”
“Is that so?” I challenged, not showing even a hint of fear. I didn't care what this asshole thought, I would take him if I had to.
Then his whole demeanor changed, his body flashing until it was almost pressed against mine, sending Callum into a fit of growls. “That's so. Be careful, young Chosen. You would be wise not to underestimate those here in Avalon. Most of us are deadly in ways you could never imagine.”
His threat caused the hairs on my neck to stand up, my fingers squeezing the nape of Callum's neck as I locked my knees. Instinct told me to step back, but I held my ground, refusing to back down. This felt like a test of some sort, and I was too hardheaded to lose.
“You'd do well to not threaten me or mine. You'll find that I'm not some pushover who will hide and quake in my boots. I'll give as good as I get,” I threatened back, my words quiet and certain as I delivered them.
He stood there, studying me with a tilt of his head. Then he stepped away, throwing his head back with a laugh. “Oh, I like you.”
“Are you threatening my Chosen, Brannoc?” Arryn spoke softly but confidently.
“Not in so many words,” he answered innocently, before turning to look at me. “We were just feeling each other out, weren't we?”