Page 75 of Their Trials
Arryn didn't pause to study his handiwork, just continued until he found his horse. “Rhowyn, Meadow is over here.” He held the reins out to me.
“She made it!” I said, ecstatic that she was okay. I jogged over to her, my pack still in place on her back. She nuzzled my neck as I hugged her, patting her shoulder as we greeted each other.
“She tried to follow you until Baer caught her reins and dragged her with us,” Charity explained, riding up beside me. “After you fell off the horse, the pixies abandoned their pursuit of us. However, by the time we realized what had happened, you both were gone.”
“We couldn't follow you or the pixies would have swarmed us again. Instead, we found a more sedate area of the river to cross at. By that time, night was falling, and we needed to seek shelter,” Baer explained.
I smiled at him, sending reassurance down the bond to all of them. “There wasn't much you guys could have done. Besides, Callum had everything handled.”
A small bloom of pride echoed down the bond from Callum, his pleasure at my words causing me to blush. It felt like something had changed in that cave between us, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what exactly that was.
I mounted Meadow with Baer’s assistance as we all set out again, following the Raven. Everyone in the group chatted amiably, and I joined in, though my mind kept drifting toward my relationship with Callum. He was still keeping his distance from me physically, but I could finally feel his walls coming down. By telling me the story of what had happened, he'd brought us closer together in a way that I hadn't reached yet with the others.
Yes, I had been physical with all of them at this point, going further with some than others, but I knew next to nothing about them. I didn't know who their parents were, what their lives had been like prior to me coming into it, or what they had pictured for their futures. I knew them in the ways that mattered. I knew their characters, their values, and how they reacted during moments of stress. Each one showing me something that made me fall further for them as they proved that chivalry wasn't some long lost virtue, that they could show it while also respecting my independence.
I'd started to let them in on my life, sharing more of myself with them than I had with anyone else, but I found myself wanting to share more. I trusted them to guard what I gave them fiercely. I was beginning to believe that if I gave them my heart, they would each protect it and treasure it as the gift it was. Now, I just had to get over myself and decide if that was something I wanted to do before I hurt them.
Chapter Thirty Four: Rhowyn
We traveled through the day, sticking to the forest and heading deeper and deeper into the tangle of underbrush and foliage. Brannoc found a small clearing large enough for us all to bed down for the night. A camp was set up quickly, far smaller than the first one I'd stayed in when first arriving in Avalon.
Everyone split up to tackle different chores. Two of Charity's men took the horses to a nearby brook to water and refill our canteens. Arryn, Baer, and Callum managed to set up a few smaller tents. One was large enough to fit Charity and her men, another two for me and mine, and a small single tent was set up for Brannoc.
The Raven set off to catch dinner as the remaining men got a fire going and kept watch, eyes alert for any dangers. I felt rather useless, but the men worked like a well-oiled machine. If I had tried to step in and help, I was sure it would be like throwing a wrench into their gears, only slowing them down.
The conversation drew us all closer, the camaraderie between us all growing as we spent more and more time together. A small smile graced my face all evening as I watched everyone interacting. This must be what a family looked like. We might not always get along, but we could trust in each other when it really mattered. I glanced down at my arms to see if they were green, but they remained the same dark olive tone as always. I guess I wasn't the grinch, but I now knew what it was like to have your heart grow three sizes in one day.
As darkness fell, we took to our tents, the men setting up a watch. When I offered to help, they absolutely refused, saying that it wasn't my job as Chosen. I didn't put up much of an argument, my fatigue seeming to only be getting worse. With a yawn, I crawled into the tent, snuggling into the meager blankets that we'd brought with us.
Shortly after, Baer and Lennox joined me in my tent. Arryn had taken the first watch, and Callum had opted to stay in the other tent. I couldn't help the twinge of disappointment at that decision, but I wouldn't push him. At least, not yet.
Baer snuggled up next to me, his front to my back, arm going across my waist to pull me in close. When he had me positioned where he wanted me, he inhaled my scent with a small rumble of approval that reminded me of a cat's purr. I smiled.
Lennox stayed in his own blankets, laying on his side and facing me. Close enough to touch if I wanted, but not close enough to allude that he was making presumptions. Our eyes met in the darkness, but instead of lust rising to meet me, satisfaction and contentment thrummed through our bond. Both of us were simply happy to be here like this. Although a part of me thought the reason they didn't try anything was more likely due to my weighing fatigue.
I fell into a soundless sleep only waking when Baer and Arryn traded positions. Lennox snored softly beside us as Arryn pulled me in close, lying on his back and letting me use his chest and arm as a pillow. Within minutes, I was sound asleep again, only waking as the sun pierced through the opening of the tent, striking my closed eyelids as if its only purpose was to wake me. I shifted in the blankets, just now realizing how warm I was.
Two bodies surrounded me. Baer was at my back again, his arm snuggled around me as I was draped across Arryn. Both were sound asleep. I studied Arryn's sleeping visage, his worry and stern countenance absent in this moment. He looked so much younger like this, unburdened.
In this moment, I realized I couldn't give them up. I wouldn't. I wanted to be selfish for once in my life. I wanted them and all they were offering me freely. With that decision made, I felt so much lighter. I hadn't realized just how much this had been pressing on me until just now.
Baer nuzzled his nose deeper into my hair, pulling me tighter against him with one arm until my ass was rubbing up against him. There was no way I could miss his arousal as he ground against me. Unable to resist, I pushed my ass back into him. His chest rumbled with satisfaction, vibrating me.
Opening my eyes, intending to turn my head and look at Baer, immediately latching onto Arryn's green gaze that was heated with lust as he watched me rock into Baer. The butterflies in my stomach took off, fluttering until they settled low in my core.
I clenched my thighs and a soft moan passed through my lips as Arryn held me captivated. A hand snaked under my tunic, Baer's palm finding my breast and squeezing it firmly as he ground against me again. Arryn's nostrils flared as my panties became soaked.
These men could shatter me completely with just a touch, and I would come back every single time. Baer's other hand went to the hem of my pants, pulling them down on one side. Before he could switch to the other side, Arryn's hand snaked out and tugged my pants to my ankles, pulling them off completely and leaving me bare from the waist down.
Arryn's eyes dipped from mine to take in my core that was now exposed to his perusal. His eyelids drooped as his hands went to adjust himself in his pants, the outline of his arousal evident.
I smiled to myself, knowing what I was about to do was going to push him close to the edge. Without another thought, I tossed a leg back and over Baer's, giving them both better access to my pussy.
Arryn inhaled sharply, a groan passing through his lips. “Minx.” His eyes narrowed before he stuck a finger into his mouth to suck on it. It was my turn to groan at the sight, completely turned on now. I needed more. As if reading my mind, Arryn slowly lowered his now moist finger, trailing it between my folds, watching my reaction to his touch. My eyes closed at his touch, my hips arching at the tenderness, needing him to do more.
“Eyes open,” Arryn demanded, his finger circling my clit slowly, coming so close to what I needed but denying me the pleasure.
Baer pinched my nipple, and my eyes shot open as I gasped. Now that Arryn had control of my core, Baer's free hand covered my mouth, stifling my cries as he pinched again while, at the same time, Arryn dipped a finger inside me.