Page 10 of Their War
“Okay, but if you haven’t found anything in ten minutes, we meet back where we left Lennox and Callum.”
Turns out, we needn’t be concerned about getting information out of anyone since it seemed that was all anyone could talk about. The High Fae Chosen who looked human that challenged the Queen openly. Debates sprang up at every tent I passed, everyone eager to find out the fate of the girl who dared what no others had. I couldn’t help the burst of pride in my chest as most of the gossip was positive. The common fae liked her. She represented a difference, a change that we were all so desperate for.
Hearing a deep voice inside a weapons tent, I paused to listen more closely. “I hear the trial’s going to start today and that she’ll be competing on her own. No one’s seen her Consorts since she made them disappear into thin air.”
I ducked my head and walked under the cloth entrance to peruse the weapons on the table as the owner and another man discussed their thoughts on the trials. Wanting to steer them back to today’s trial, I risked speaking up. “Where’s the trial supposed to take place today?”
I kept my head down as the owner eyed me suspiciously. “I heard that it’s going to be on the Queen’s own hunting grounds. They’ve set up stands for people to watch from. Supposedly, it’s to be a physical trial this time. We’ll finally get to see what this Chosen can do.”
“Can’t be too much. She’s still human,” the other man replied, clearly underestimating Rhowyn.
“Don’t think so. Haven’t you seen her move? The way she fought that Loathly Worm and the Chitterling says she’s got some skills,” the owner replied.
“Well, she’s clearly lacking in weapon skills. Apparently, Earth no longer uses weapons, or so I’ve heard.”
“That may be, but she’s wily. I bet my finest weapon here that she’ll come out on top again,” the owner challenged.
“I’ll take that bet,” the patron said. Having heard enough, I exited the tent while they haggled over the bet’s terms, heading back to Lennox and Callum.
I found them standing discreetly in an alley near where we had left them. At my questioning look, Lennox said, “Big guy here was drawing too many looks. Apparently, a 6’4” mountain will do that.” Glowering at Lennox, Callum returned to watching the crowds from the shadows without responding.
Arryn found us next. “What did you find out?” he asked as soon as he was close enough.
“A weapons merchant confirmed that the trial is to be one of combat and that it’s supposed to take place on the Queen’s hunting grounds,” I reported, falling back on old habits.
Nodding, he said, “I’ve heard the same. Have you two seen Brannoc?”
“No,” Callum answered with a grunt.
Appearing torn between rushing to Rhowyn now that we had a location and waiting on the information that Brannoc could bring us, Arryn asked our opinions.
“We should go. Brannoc will find us. It’s what he does,” Callum said, still not looking at us.
“Callum’s right,” I said, eager to see Rhowyn again. I was going to be back by her side today one way or another. Avalonia, help the fae that stood between me and my Chosen.
Chapter Six: Rhowyn
I was escorted by the guards from my cell. Six in total that kept me surrounded at all times, with iron cuffs on my hands that ensured my magic didn’t replenish on the walk to the next trial. To be honest, it was flattering that they felt the need to have so many guards to ensure I behaved.
What wasn’t flattering was the fact that they didn’t allow me to clean up or eat an actual meal before leading me to a doorway, a different one than we’d used in the previous trials. I could hear the echo of a crowd and knew I was in some kind of arena. The image of gladiators being sent out to fight for the hordes of people felt oddly similar to my current situation.
Now I knew what it was like to be imprisoned against your will and sent to die before the hungry masses. Some things in life never changed, I supposed. Whether human or fae, it was only natural to enjoy bloodsport. Hell, I enjoyed it too. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have become an MMA fighter on Earth. The fights I had been in were very much like what I faced now, the difference being that in one, I was paid, and in the other, I was forced to fight against my will. Trying to ignore the cuffs that were chafing against my wrists and leaving them raw and oozing, I focused instead on getting my head right. Half the battle for a fighter was having the right mindset.
Cracking my neck from side to side and rolling my shoulders, I loosened up the stiff muscles from sitting in a cell for days on end, picturing what victory would look like. For the first time in my fighting career, I found that I couldn’t picture it. This was not MMA. This would be with weapons and magic, to the death in some cases. There would be no rules, just ruthless brutality to see who could win the final trial and be crowned Queen.
I knew the others would be gunning for me. After having succeeded in both trials, even winning the first one, I was a clear front-runner, which made me a threat. To make things worse, I wouldn’t even have the backup of my consorts, while every other Chosen would. I was outclassed in every manner except one.
I knew what it was like to go out and actually cause harm to another person. I’d killed before, and I would do it again to ensure that me and mine stayed safe. I didn’t know when to quit, and I’d be dead before I ever submitted to anyone. From what I had seen, the other Chosen were very much pampered and protected. They didn’t know the meaning of hard. And if they thought they were coming for me, they’d know the meaning by the end of it all. I’d stop them to protect the men who were claiming my heart, no matter what it took, and I wouldn’t even lose a wink of sleep. Self-defense was always justified.
The large doors swung open to reveal a forested arena. Somehow, it was both densely forested while also thin enough to ensure the crowds could see us. Which meant we could also see them. This magic thing just kept getting weirder and weirder.
The crowds roared as the guards unlocked my cuffs, careful not to directly touch the iron. I stepped out into the arena, inhaling deeply the scent of the forest. After almost a week cooped up in the dark, dank cell with its mildew smell, I wanted to take a moment to enjoy the clean scents that surrounded me. A pang shot through me as I compared it to the scent of my men. Even Brannoc's scent, that reminded me of a dark, misty night, would have been welcomed right about now. For a moment, I thought I could actually smell him, watching over me, but it couldn't be. I hadn't seen him or the guys since that night, and if they knew what was good for them, they would stay away. I'd personally kick their asses if they put themselves in danger again for me. This mess was on me and not something they needed to deal with.
Taking one final inhale, holding it deep in my lungs for a long moment before exhaling it out slowly, I opened my eyes and focused on what was ahead of me. I wasn't allowed a weapon. Apparently, I was too much of a risk, and there was no telling where my magic dagger had ended up. Hell, it could still be sitting in the throne room where I'd left it since no one else could touch it, not even to pick it up.
Not quite sure what I was supposed to do, I started walking, my rope at my side. That was one thing they had allowed me since it was specifically selected for the trials and was considered pretty much harmless. I had to agree.