Page 16 of Their War
I could see every inch of the room, and there was no other entry, but neither was there any sign of Rhowyn or Arryn. “Where are they?”
Ignoring me, Brannoc pushed through us. Standing side by side, Callum and Baer's shoulders both touched opposite walls. Moving the cot and pushing us back against the wall, Brannoc revealed a trap door.
Up until a week ago, I'd never seen one, and now, this was my second time having to use one. “In here,” he said, ushering us down into the darkness. The stairs narrow and steep. Callum had to turn sideways just to slide through. One misstep on the rotting wood, and we would fall to Avalonia knew where, the bottom hidden in shadows.
Brannoc shut the door behind us, casting us all in darkness, although it was brief as Callum called on his fire to reveal a path forward. A scraping noise from above had me glancing back to realize Brannoc hadn't followed us into the hidey hole. “Um. Should we trust that he's not trapping us down here? You know, since he left us down here alone?” I asked the others, a little concerned.
“Are you afraid of the dark?” Brannoc's voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs, a rustle and then blooming light revealed his face, a torch now in his hand.
Moving down the stairs toward him, Callum snuffed out his own fire. “Nope. Just worried that you're going to try to keep my Chosen to yourself.”
“That's not my decision to make, but if Rhowyn wishes it, I will make it happen,” he answered coldly.
When he wasn’t taunting me, his voice became nearly devoid of emotion, his face blank and revealing nothing. It was almost terrifying to think about how someone like that was now a part of our group. I mean, could we really know what his intentions were?
The narrow hallway finally opened up; cool air greeted my face as a gentle breeze moved through the space. “What is this place?” Baer asked as he realized there was stone and furnishings, a complete home underground. It was spacious, and I could see hallways branching off in places, most likely leading to other rooms. I couldn't help the awe on my face to realize that this place was well cared for, no dust or dirt to be found.
“It's my home,” Brannoc answered, lighting the other torches around the area. “Or one of them, but this one is the one I've been spending my time in recently.”
“Seriously?” I asked him. I had so many questions.
“Sorry for the secrecy. An assassin like me can never be too careful, but I've decided to trust you all with this secret. Besides, if you do betray me, I'm ready to leave here at a moment's notice. I'll never be back, even if this is my favorite home.” He shrugged his shoulders before walking down a hall.
I followed, hoping he was leading us to where he'd stashed Rhowyn. “So why didn't we hide out here? Why risk Arryn's hiding spot?” I accused him. We spent five days pretty much on top of each other with barely any room to move, and he knew of this place the whole time.
“Like I said, I didn't know if I could trust you all. Arryn yes, but not you. You'll have to forgive me, Your Highness, but you are connected to the tyrant Queen after all.”
Unable to argue, I kept my mouth shut, grinding my teeth together in aggravation. He opened a door to a bedroom, and I found Rhowyn and Arryn laid out on top of the covers, still unconscious but breathing. The steady rise and fall of her chest was the lifeline that I was desperately hanging onto.
Forcing my way past him, I rushed over and knelt next to her bedside, taking a hand in one of mine, the other brushing the hair from her forehead. I buried my head in the blanket as the emotions I had suppressed over the last five days bubbled up and threatened to drown me.
In this moment, I hated my mother with a fervent passion. She'd nearly taken everything from me. Again. “I swear she won’t tear us apart. You’re mine, and I’ll fight to keep you,” I whispered to her, knowing I'd do everything I could to ensure I could back it up.
A heavy hand landed on my shoulder, squeezing firmly but gently. “Come,” Callum said, pulling my attention to him. His bare chest reflected the flames from the torches, the copper hair invited me to bury my hands in it. His eyes darkened briefly before he said, “We should eat and get some rest.”
Nodding, I stood with his help and let him lead me from the room. I glanced backward at Rhowyn's sleeping form before following him out into the living area. “Brannoc's gone to get some food, and Baer's sleeping for the first time in days,” Callum told me.
“He's not the only one who hasn't been sleeping well,” I said, sitting in one of the chairs that flanked the fireplace.
Callum squatted and used his fire magic to light the wood that was already set up for use. It wasn’t really cold, but there was always something comforting about watching the flames dance in the hearth, hypnotizing and meditative all at the same time.
He remained there, watching the fire as we basked in the silence, able to relax for the first time in days. The flames danced as they consumed the logs in the same way that my thoughts were being consumed by the man in front of me. I studied Callum as he continued to watch the flames, admiring his quiet strength and passionate fervor, which had always ensnared me. My oldest and only friend, torn from me by circumstances beyond our control, just before I had thought that we’d finally begin to explore a different side to that friendship. I had wanted him then, and I found that I still wanted him now even though we’d both changed so much. He was so similar and yet different from Rhowyn. Neither less than the other, both consuming and encompassing.
Turning to face me, his eyes caught mine, the burnished gold color holding me in place as my breath quickened and my dick started to harden. Shaking my head, I pulled myself from his magnetism, fighting the pull that I felt. Looking instead at my hands in my lap, I realized just how torn I was. Rhowyn was from Earth. She already had a hard time accepting that we all wanted her and that she wanted us all in return. That we were okay with sharing. I wanted her desperately. She had even told me that she loved me.
“What is it?” Callum asked me from much closer than I had expected, and I flinched as my eyes snapped to his.
“It's Rhowyn,” I told him, hoping he could read between the lines. That I didn't want to risk her love by moving forward with him. He was offering, but I couldn't take him up on it. It was common knowledge that humans on Earth weren’t into sharing. There was no way that she’d go for Callum and I being together, and I didn’t dare drive Rhowyn away by pursuing something with him behind her back. I wanted Callum, but I loved Rhowyn.
“You think she would have a problem sharing us with each other?” he asked me, his eyes piercing through me. He had always been able to read me, and it still left me feeling just as vulnerable.
Nodding, I ducked my head again, unable to face him and the truth at the same time. My heart was breaking at having to make this decision. It wasn’t one I wanted to make, but it had to be done. If I did nothing else, I could forsake my desires to keep Rhowyn happy. She deserved nothing less.
He sighed and took the chair next to me. “Somehow, I find it difficult to believe that she'd care. In fact, she might like it.”
“You can't be sure. She's everything I've ever wanted. And while, yes, I want you too, I can't risk losing her. I hope you can understand that.” I pleaded with him to understand, to quit pushing me. This was hard enough without his judgment and pity.
“I get it. I don't agree, but because you’re not there yet, I won't push you. But Lennox,” he said, waiting until I was looking at him again, his gaze punching a hole through my soul as he continued, “This will happen. And you won't lose her when it finally does.”