Page 29 of Their War
Trying to defuse the situation, Rhowyn stood and placed a hand on Callum's chest. “Where is this device?”
He calmed slightly with her touch, though he still glowered at me. I strode over to the entrance of my home, picking up a bag. Opening the velvet cloth, I reached in and pulled out a crystal. Setting it on the mantle in front of us, Rhowyn's brow furrowed. “How are we supposed to watch anything on that? It's tiny.”
I smirked at her. “You should know by now not to underestimate something. Magic is at play.”
At her continued look of doubt, I assured her seriously, “Trust me, it'll work.”
“If you say so,” she said, eyeing the crystal as if it held all the secrets that she wanted to know. “So, when does this charade begin?”
Looking at the clock, I answered her, “In about three hours. At the crack of dawn, the fanfare will begin. The Queen has some entertainment planned before the actual ceremony takes place at nine.”
She sighed, running her hands over her face. “Okay. Then I'm going to try and get some sleep.” She turned to walk out of the room, calling over her shoulder, “Wake me when it's time.”
The rest of us sat there quietly, watching her as she left. Baer pushed up from the chair. Obviously, he was going to get some sleep too, whether it was in his own bed or with her, I couldn't say. I took another long drink, wishing I could go curl up with her. My jealousy leaked from me, my shadows drifting out to dance away from me. Arryn's eyes met mine before I reined them back in. “I'm fine,” I snapped at him before he could say anything. Callum and Lennox left as well, and I was glad to have some solace, but Arryn remained.
He picked up his own drink again, eyeing me as he took a drink. “I know you well enough, old friend, to know you're not fine. However, I also know that you're not ready to talk about it.”
“Good. At least we have that settled.” I tossed back another drink, my buzz starting to lower my defenses.
He sighed, looking down the hallway. “You should probably get some sleep and sober up. We need you with a clear head. Do whatever you need to to make that happen.” His eyes were telling me just what he meant. I needed to jerk off, but I knew it would be fruitless and unfulfilling. Not when what I really wanted was now sleeping down the same hallway that I'd be on, just a few doors away from my own room.
“Brannoc,” Arryn said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder and pulling me back to him. He studied me, concern written on his face.
Softening, I placed my hand on his. “What?”
“I see more than you think. We've all discussed this and agree that whatever Rhowyn wants, that's what will happen. None of us are against it, but we will not tolerate her being toyed with. So be sure it's really what you want before you do anything.”
While he didn't outright say it, I could read between the lines. I looked down the hall, knowing the longing was written on my face when I turned back to him. Unable to speak, I simply nodded at him. He didn't need me to say it. Never had. He knew that I'd be careful with her. That I'd protect her in any way I could.
Not that she'd ever lower herself to be with someone like me, but on the off chance we ever had a moment, he needed to know that I wouldn't play with her. It would be the best moment of my life, one I'd treasure for all of my long-lived days. Because even if it happened, there was no way she could ever keep me. It would only be for a night, one blissful moment. The likelihood of that ever happening, though, was slim to none. She didn't want or need me. She had them, and I was okay with being by her side, never having the chance to hold her. I just needed to be near her, to serve her however I could. Somehow, I would tamp down my emotions again. Somehow, I'd find the cool aloofness that had served me well my entire life.
I walked to my room, telling myself that it could be done. That I could keep my distance, but in the back of my mind, a niggling doubt told me that I would never be the same again.
Chapter Seventeen: Rhowyn
The bed jostled, waking me from my nap. My eyes felt heavy and scratchy after only getting a few hours of rest. The reason for my sleep deprivation came back to me, and I smiled to myself.
A warm body wrapped itself around me, pulling me back into a hard chest. Snuggling into his warmth, I basked in the affection that Baer was providing, his signature honeysuckle and ozone scent wrapping around me and comforting me. I sighed contentedly. I could wake up like this for the rest of my life.
His lips started to nuzzle at my neck, whispers of kisses that immediately had me waking up and ready for more activities. Before these men, I was lucky to have sex once every six months. Now, I was ready for round three in a matter of hours. I pushed my ass into his straining erection, causing him to groan. “As tempting as you are right now, and as much as I would love nothing more than to explore your body for the next several hours, I can’t. Arryn sent me in here with explicit orders to wake you without the extracurricular activities.”
I groaned in response. “But I’m not sure I’m fully awake yet. Maybe you should play with me a little just to be sure?” I suggested to him, turning over to gaze into his hazel gray-blue eyes.
“You have no idea just how tempting that is.” He kissed me chastely, resisting me when I tried to deepen the kiss. Slapping me on the ass and pulling back, he said, “Come on. Move that delectable ass into the living room so we can watch the show the Queen has planned.”
“Ugh!” I groaned, rolling out of bed after Baer, sliding on some pants and not bothering with a bra. Baer’s eyes clearly noticed my hardened nipples, which were on display through my thin tank top, hardened and tight after being denied the wake up call I had desired. “This is not my idea of a good way to spend the morning.”
Adjusting himself in his pants, he smirked. “Mine either.” Opening the door for me, he followed me out and into the hall.
“You wouldn’t happen to have any of that coffee you brought back, would you?” I asked him, crossing my fingers and sending up a prayer that he did. What I wouldn’t give for a glorious cup of that nectar of the Gods. I’d probably give free blow jobs for life to the first person who delivered it to me, I was that desperate. Seemed that I was going to be denied this pleasure too.
“Unfortunately, we left the castle in such a hurry that I wasn’t able to grab it,” he said, clearly as upset as I was about this news.
However, as I entered the living room, the smell of roasting coffee beans reached my nose, causing me to pause and inhale deeply, my eyes closing in pleasure. My heart jerked with a burst of hope before I tried talking sense into myself. I was simply imagining the smell, my withdrawals making me imagine things that weren’t there.
I sat down on the couch, which hadn’t been here when I’d gone to bed last night. Where it had come from, I couldn’t even begin to guess. I tucked my feet under me and curled into Arryn, who was already sitting down. From the other side, he lifted his hand to reveal a steaming mug.
He smiled down at me as I caught the bitter, sweet smell of coffee. Before I could even ask, he offered it to me. Taking the mug from him, I fell a little further in love with him. That first blissful sip had me moaning in appreciation, my eyes drifting closed to savor it.