Page 7 of Their War
Seeing that he was alone, we all relaxed and made room for him. Since adding the table with maps of the area and the castle's floor plan, as best could be determined, we were cramped and quickly running out of space. Since the Cashel Rí itself was pure magic and could shift at any time, it was difficult to really get a feel for what we’d be walking into. However, it seemed to always have the same main rooms, which Lennox helped us to determine.
“What'd you find?” Arryn asked Gerard, the rest of us hanging on his words but remaining silent.
“The Queen's beefed-up security and has sent search parties out ta look for ya. They've been going door to door, so I ‘spect they'll be by here at some point. However, that trapdoor is well hidden, and no one 'sides me knows yer here,” he reported as he handed over a list of the patrols he’d been tasked with obtaining.
“Okay. When they come, try to let us know so we can remain silent,” Arryn instructed.
“Will do, boss,” Gerard said with a grin.
“What else? Were you able to find out where they're holding Rhowyn?” I asked, my impatience growing as this man took his sweet time to relay his information.
“Aye. I was,” he answered with a grin. He knew he was aggravating me. He was either brave or stupid to annoy a Raven, especially one with my reputation. Finally seeing that I meant business, he continued, “She's bein' held in 'ta dungeons until the final trial. The Queen plans ta make her compete without you four to help her.”
“Seriously!?” Baer exclaimed.
“She knows that Rhowyn's failure would be effectively guaranteed. And if Rhowyn fails, she can't be the next Queen and will be subject to punishment at that point,” Arryn said matter-of-factly. There's a reason we were friends. He was one of the few fae who could separate himself from his emotions like me. Always thinking logically instead of emotionally. Unlike me though, he could turn those emotions back on, which was why he was a good leader.
“So, what do we do?” Lennox asked.
“There's rumors going ‘round that the next trial is about to be underway. It should be ready in the next couple o’ days; the fields are being prepared now,” Gerard chimed in, his expression no longer jovial.
“Fuck,” Lennox said. He was right. There wasn't much time to get our plan into place. With Rhowyn being in the dungeons, it was unlikely we'd get her out of there. The spells and iron kept me from being able to enter them. We'd have to wait for the trial to start.
“And Arryn,” Gerard continued, his face solemn, “Tis also being said that this next trial is combat.”
“We have to get to her. There's no way she can take on the other Chosen and their Consorts. Not alone. She needs us there watching her back like we swore to her we would do,” Baer said vehemently.
“We'll get to her. I'm not sure how, but we won't let her face that alone,” Arryn swore, somewhat appeasing Baer's fear. “Thanks, Gerard. I'll let you know if we need anything more. Let us know if you hear anything else or if the guards are searching.” Arryn clapped the big man on his back.
“Will do, boss. Good luck with yer planning. If you need my help, just say the word,” he vowed before disappearing back into his tavern and leaving us all alone to stew over his news.
All of us remained quiet as our minds raced. Our options were limited, and none of them were good. All that mattered, though, was getting Rhowyn out safely. Arryn went to the table, running his hands through the maps as his mind worked to sort out a plan. I could see the wheels turning in his mind as he discarded one idea after another.
“I need to do my own searching,” I stated, crossing my arms over my chest.
“No. We all agreed that you needed to save your energy for getting Rhowyn out,” Arryn said, not bothering to look up at me.
“That was before we realized that there were no good options. Don't get me wrong, your man up there is good, but I'm better. I can find us a way to get inside, a way to get her out. You know this. That I'm the best for a reason.”
Arryn stilled, his head drooping with a sigh. He knew I was right but didn't like it. Normally, doing what I did was second nature, but being as low on power as I was, it was a risk either way.
“He's right,” Callum said, the big, brooding ginger finally joining the conversation. While I was absent of most emotions, this man was my opposite, positively teeming with feelings that controlled most of his decisions.
“I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it,” Arryn said, looking up at me. “Fine. But don't expend too much energy and get back here as quickly as you can.”
I smiled mischievously, the rare emotion flitting across my face as I dipped my head in acknowledgment. “Of course.”
With a whoosh, I became the smoke, easing through the cracks in the trapdoor and out into the village, keeping to the shadows. My first stop would be the castle dungeons. Realistically, I knew that I wouldn't be able to get in, but for once, I had to ignore the cold logic and at least try.
Creeping through the halls of the castle, I followed the contingent of guards as they headed toward the dungeon, listening to the conversations of the staff and courtiers alike as I passed them unknowingly.
The group stopped just outside the dungeon doors. “Lucas, why are we here? Surely you don't need all of us to guard one little human?” one of the guards asked the other.
“The Queen ordered it. She's planning to visit, and we're to wait here until she does,” Lucas answered his buddy, just as displeased with the waste of their time.
Having heard enough, I got ready to leave, to try to squeeze through the door, when a servant came in with a tray of food. I tilted my head, which was hard to do in this form, as I briefly recognized the older fae woman but couldn't quite place where I remembered her from.
“Juniper,” Lucas said, a warning in his voice. “You know you shouldn't be here.”