Page 76 of Their War
I took advantage of his name and standing, following in his footsteps, playing to people's expectations of me, rising through the ranks through merit and deed. All the while, I had never stopped plotting a way to bring the Queen down for her bastardization of the role. When she'd taken my father, I had vowed that I would avenge him and would be responsible for her downfall. I had never dreamed that my way forward would be blessed by Avalonia through Rhowyn.
Taking a deep breath, I pulled my focus back to the Ravens that now approached us confidently. The warrior was back, the one who had led Rhowyn and Brannoc away yesterday, flanked by two other stoic-faced Ravens. Each of them with long, dark hair and purple eyes. Brannoc resembled them so closely. The only difference was his lack of blue and white tattoos. His were black instead of the ice blue color they wore, and the fact that he preferred to keep his hair shorter.
These Ravens had an air of wildness about them, of unpredictability, which made me wary. Despite knowing Brannoc well, I had to remind myself that he was nothing like the other Ravens. I couldn't expect them to react as he would.
“Consorts,” the warrior called out to us when he was ten feet away.
Dipping my head, I responded, “Ravens.”
“We come upon our Chieftain's request. Our council has made a determination on the Chosen's petition to our people, and the Chieftain has requested your presence as we share that decision. It is only right that you all be present.”
I could feel the excitement and eagerness from the guys behind me, our bond with Rhowyn allowing me to sense the strongest emotions from them. “We appreciate that. We're ready to follow you now,” I told him, my own need to see Rhowyn again rushing me now that we were so close to being with her.
“Of course. Follow us,” he instructed, his eyes taking in our weapons but not asking us to disarm. Which meant, he didn't fear what we could do with those weapons. We presented no threat to him or his people, a worrying thought when we were walking into an unknown situation.
Hopefully, their desire to bring us into the enclave meant that their decision was in our favor. I refused to dwell on any thoughts that Rhowyn had failed or had insulted them in some way, or that we were being marched to our deaths. It was my job to see all sides of the problem and to prepare for anything. Either way, there was no way we weren't going to follow them. We'd fight our way out, if necessary, but we would never leave Rhowyn to fight on her own. At least, this way, we'd be within reach of her and could ensure she made it out with what she needed.
None of us spoke as we followed the warriors. I could sense other Ravens in the woods around us, watching as we proceeded to their enclave, but I kept my eyes forward. I didn't want to give the impression that I didn't trust them, even if I didn't. They didn't need to know that, though. By believing we trusted them, they'd drop their guard which could mean the difference between life and death in a situation like this.
Finally, after thirty or forty minutes of marching through the dense foliage, the lead warrior held a limb back and allowed us passage. On the other side, a bright clearing that swarmed with Ravens was revealed, all of whom watched us closely and warily. Some from their walkways in the trees and others from the ground, clearly all in the middle of their daily tasks.
The guys circled around me as we stopped to take in the sight before us. A full kingdom was being run here, and I couldn't help the shock that ran through me. The High Fae had assumed that the Ravens were a dying race, but it seemed that they were prospering in this hidden oasis.
“Yes, we have been doing well for ourselves,” the warrior spoke from beside me. I barely held back the flinch of surprise, not having heard his approach. There was a reason they were so feared. They could move silently when they wanted. The footsteps we had heard earlier had been on purpose. They'd wanted us to know they were approaching.
Looking at him, I said, “I'm honestly glad to see that. All of Avalonia's people are important and shouldn't be hunted out of fear. It's just a shame that you have felt the need to hide from the rest of the fae.”
He nodded to me in acknowledgment. “We do what we must to ensure our race continues to thrive. We are still not what we once were, but with Avalonia's protection, we are on our way to becoming great and formidable once again.”
“As it should be,” I said honestly, earning a look of respect and surprise from the warriors.
“Come. It's this way.” He led us through the clearing, dodging the homes and buildings that had been carved from the very trees that surrounded us.
On the far side of the clearing, I began to take in the smell of water, knowing we were now close to the source we had been seeking. A mountain rose from the far side of the trees, a wide cave etched into the side. We approached the dark maw, no light escaping the shadows that engulfed the entire cave. I couldn't see a single thing past the edge of the entrance that met the side of the mountain. It was like someone had dropped a blanket over the front of it, hiding anything within from view.
The warrior walked confidently up to the opening, looking over his shoulder to see if we were following. As much as I wanted to discuss the feeling of wariness that passed over me at the thought of entering the unknown, I didn't want to give them the satisfaction. Again, I wanted them to believe we trusted them unerringly.
Unable to stop the deep inhalation of air as I stepped through the curtain of darkness, I felt the small electrical shocks that coursed across my skin as I passed through a barrier. It felt similar to the magic of the Trial selection, the magic identifying me and judging me in the span of one heartbeat to the next. As I crossed through the barrier, I let out the breath I had been holding, somehow knowing I had been granted access to a place that few had ever been allowed. I turned to watch as the others passed through, the same expression on their faces as I was sure was on mine.
Swiveling, I faced the warrior, prepared to ask what was next, only to find him smiling. “Good. Avalonia has indeed blessed all of you. For a moment, I had doubted you. Perhaps there's more to you all than meets the eye.”
“Just out of curiosity, what would have happened if we weren't found worthy?” Baer asked.
A huge smile graced the Warrior's face then. “You'd have been denied entry by means of death.”
“Oh, is that all? Gee, thanks for the head's up,” Lennox grumbled under his breath.
The warrior laughed then. “Come. Your Chosen waits up ahead.” He led us through a maze of tunnels that twisted and turned until it was difficult to remember the way we had come. I had to focus on remembering each turn in case we needed to make a hasty exit, but even my remarkable memory struggled to keep up.
After several minutes of walking, the cave widened, sunlight streaming in from somewhere miles above our head, revealing a small lake and sandy shore. Upon further inspection, there appeared to be no opening, the light coming from some unseen source, obviously magic.
Taking in the crowd of Ravens that littered the shoreside, we were brought to one side, the others giving us plenty of room as if we had some form of contagious disease. I opened my mouth to speak, but the warrior held up his hand. A woman stepped forward, dark hair and purple eyes shining in the light. Her long hair provided the only covering she wore other than the small cloth that was draped across the front.
“Ravens, we gather here for a momentous occasion. A sight not many of us have ever seen. We have agreed to grant access to Avalonia's pure waters, and now we stand as witness to the retrieval,” the woman spoke, clearly the Chieftain the warrior had spoken of. Facing another entrance to the grotto, she spoke loudly, “Please bring in the Chosen.”
A younger version of the woman nodded and turned, returning quickly with Rhowyn and Brannoc, who followed our girl, his eyes darting around to take in the threats to her. My chest swelled with pride at the sight before me. Rhowyn's hair was slicked back, and she was wearing a sheer dress, most of her body on clear display.
A hiss of inhalation sounded behind me, along with a whispered, “Damn.” My thoughts exactly, Baer.