Page 85 of Their War
“You’re no fun,” I pouted.
He just laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll show you fun,” he promised me, heat scalding me from his gaze before his eyes twinkled with mirth. “After.”
I groaned, knowing he was right. I needed to get up and get moving. I could push this off all I wanted, but it wouldn’t change the fact that it needed to be done.
“Fine,” I grumped, pushing up to cross the room and get dressed. “Remind me to take out my displeasure with this decision to deny me on Arryn.”
Lennox laughed. “I’ll definitely do that; however, you have to promise to let me watch.”
I giggled. “Of course. It wouldn’t be a dressing down if it was without an audience.” My amusement dimmed as I crossed the room, ready to face whatever was thrown my way today.
Before I could exit, Lennox put a hand on my arm, halting my progress. “It’ll be okay. You’re the strongest person I know. You’ll get through this without even breaking a sweat.”
“You say that, but somehow, I can’t help feeling like there’s something bad just around the corner. I care about you all, and I’m scared that something or someone will hurt y’all. I don’t want to lose any of you now that I finally know what love feels like,” I admitted.
“You could never lose us. We wouldn’t let that happen because then that would mean leaving you alone. It goes against everything ingrained in us, and we’ll do everything we can to be by your side, to protect you and keep you safe. While we would gladly give our lives if it meant saving yours, we’re also selfish enough to want to spend the rest of our lives serving you in any way we can, loving you so hard that you forget all the pain you’ve had to endure, and laughing with you as your best friends,” he told me, a small smile ticking up one side of his mouth. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, in case you haven’t noticed. I’m kind of a spoiled prince who’s used to getting what he desires, and it’s you that I want.”
I smiled at his playfulness, leaning into the hug he offered me and the kiss on my brow. After a few moments like this, I pulled back. “Okay. I guess we can get started now.”
Within moments, I had my armor back in place, my witty sarcasm and give-a-damn attitude ready for battle. I smiled as I entered the common room to find everyone already there. All of my guys, Cyerra, my grandfather, and even my father were all waiting for me. Seeing everyone gathered together like this brought home the fact that this was real, that I was about to commune with Avalonia as the first step in becoming the next Queen of Avalon.
My stomach tossed and turned with butterflies as I approached my grandfather, who beamed at me. Even my father was smiling softly, though he kept himself apart from everyone else with his back against the wall. I knew that feeling all too well. One day, he would be able to relax in front of us, but that day wasn’t today or anytime soon. His trauma was deeper than mine after decades of imprisonment and torture.
I gave him a soft smile before turning back to face Jude. “So,” I clapped my hands, trying anything to bolster my confidence, “What do I need to do?”
Jude’s gnarled hands grasped one of mine, leading me back the way I had come. “This part will need to be done in private. Not even I am allowed to be with you. You must be completely alone and undisturbed while communing with Avalonia.”
“What happens if I’m disturbed?” The question popped out as butterflies raced through my gut.
He paused in front of the room. “Honestly?”
“Duh!” I said instinctively. At his puzzled expression, I clarified, “Of course. I always want honesty. It’s better to know than not to, even if I don’t like what’s being said.”
“It can leave you in a permanent comatose state or can leave your brain damaged to the point that you can no longer function on your own. It’s only happened once or twice in the last ten thousand years. Never in recent history,” he admitted.
“Well shit,” I said, now even more terrified than I had been before. While I wasn’t upset at my drooling mess of a self this morning, I wouldn’t want to live that way for the rest of my long and miserable life.
Turning back down the hallway, I shouted, “You hear that? Do NOT, under any circumstances, disturb me!”
“Ah, come on, I like your drool, especially if I’m the one responsible for it,” Lennox called back.
“Asshole,” I grumbled loud enough that I knew he could hear me but without actually yelling it, my face turning red in embarrassment.
My grandfather chuckled along with everyone else. “Now that we’re done,” I changed the subject, “what else can I expect? Anything else I need to make sure I do or don’t do?”
“That I can’t tell you. I know that each communion is different for each queen, but nothing more than that has ever been shared outside of the queens.”
“Of course. And it’s not like I can ask Titania what to expect,” I snarked, really regretting the course of my life right about now.
We walked into the room, and he handed me the flask of pure water. “Now, after I leave, you must drink the water until you experience the tug in your soul. From there, it’s up to you and Avalonia what happens.”
“Joy.” I took the flask and proceeded to sit cross-legged on the floor.
“You’ll do well, my child, as you’ve done since the beginning. Have faith in yourself and Avalonia that she wouldn’t steer you wrong,” he encouraged me, bolstering my courage just enough that I could believe that everything would work out eventually.
I watched as he left me alone in the room, cross-legged as if preparing to meditate. I guess, in a way I would be. Well, here goes nothing, I thought, tossing back the contents of the flask as if it were a shot.
Chapter Fifty: Rhowyn