Page 13 of Already Home

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Page 13 of Already Home

She did a good job of explaining what she was doing, butdespite that, the small crowd wasn’t engaged. Several people shifted in theirseats. A couple checked their cell phones. A woman on the end finally rose andheaded for the door.

Violet followed her. “Thanks for coming.”

The woman nodded, glanced at Jenna, then back at her. “She’sobviously a really good cook, bless her heart, but no one wants to be preachedto. Not unless it’s Sunday morning. I would have loved to get my handsdirty.”

Violet smiled. “I’ll share that with Jenna.”

The woman pulled a business card out of her jacket pocket. “Iwork around the corner at the bank and I’d love to learn how to make a fewthings. If she starts offering classes that are helpful to me, you give me acall and I’ll come back.”

“I will. Thanks.”

The woman left.

Violet stared after her, wondering how many others were goingto bolt before the chicken was even half done.

The door opened, and Beth, Jenna’s mother, stepped inside. Shesmiled at Violet.

“Hi,” she said in a low voice, then sniffed. “I don’t care whatit is, it smells delicious.”

“I’m sure it will be. Jenna’s a gifted cook.”

“I want to tell you she gets it from me, but I’m more of acasserole kind of girl. I still remember when she was about eight or nine and Iwas making a chicken and pasta combo. I poured everything into the dish. Butbefore I could crush the crackers and sprinkle them on top, Jenna gave me a verydisapproving look and asked if I could please use something more original thansaltines this time.”

Violet chuckled. “That would have intimidated me for sure.”

Beth grinned. “I’m not sure I cooked again for a week.Fortunately my husband loves to barbecue, so we didn’t starve.” She patted herleft hip. “Although I could afford to lose a few pounds. With Jenna back in townI’m going to have to start going to my Weight Watchers meetings twice a week ifI don’t want to blow up to something the size of a building.”

As Beth spoke, she glanced at her daughter, love obvious in hereyes.

They were a close family, Violet thought. Something shecouldn’t relate to on a personal level. You can’t miss whatyou haven’t had, she reminded herself.

Beth moved to the rows of chairs and slipped into the back. Asshe sat, two other women got up and left. Violet watched them anxiously. Thiswas worse than not having a class at all. At least then people felt free towander around and possibly buy things. But with Jenna lecturing, they onlywanted to slip out as quickly as possible.

And never come back, she added silently.

* * *

Thursday morning Jenna sat in Cianfrani’s Coffee Shop,sipping her latte as her friends chatted. Kimberly had gotten in touch with hertwo days ago, suggesting they all get together for coffee. Jenna had jumped atthe invitation.

It was probably wrong to want to escape her business the firstweek it was open, but that was how she felt. So far the week had been adisaster. Sales had actually dropped, which was hard to believe. Except for hermother, everyone had walked out of her cooking class before it was over. Violetassured her things would get better, but Jenna had a feeling her lone employeewas not only lying but was probably already looking for another job.

Thoughts for later, she reminded herself, turning her attentionon Caitlin, who was talking about the problems her kids were having in theirexclusive private school.

“One counselor talks about downtime,” she was saying. “Thatchildren need instructional play to develop an imagination. I told her that myboys had spent the previous weekend trying to wallpaper the dog and imaginationwas the last thing they needed to work on.” She sipped her nonfat soy drink.“Bill thinks they should learn to sail. Can you imagine? They’re six.”

“I know what you mean,” Jolene said with a throaty laugh. Shehad always been pretty in college and now she was beautiful, with platinum blondhair that tumbled in curly splendor halfway down her back. “If Taylor wins onemore dance championship, we’ll have to buy a separate house for her trophies andribbons. Little Amber is already singing in church. We’ve talked to a few agentsand they’re talking children’s Christmas CD.”

Kimberly smiled. “Little Jonathan is still throwing shutouts inLittle League. I barely see him and Eric. They’re always playing. We talkedabout having another one. A girl, this time, but I don’t know. My stomach isfinally flat again.”

“Tell me about it,” Jolene said. “I barely get in an hour atthe gym. Did I tell you I have a new trainer? He’s gorgeous. He comes to thehouse and even gives a postworkout massage.”

Caitlin raised her eyebrows. “Which kind?”

Jolene smiled smugly. “The good kind.”

The three women laughed together. Jenna tried to join in, butit was as if they were speaking a different language. She didn’t know theirhusbands or their kids. She wanted to ask if any of them worked but already knewthe answer.

Kimberly smiled at her. “You’re so fortunate, Jenna. You onlyhave to worry about yourself.”

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