Page 140 of Already Home
The slow, sexy grin returned. “I know.”
She wanted to believe him, wanted to go to him and do whateverhe wanted, but she couldn’t.
“Don’t,” she said, stepping back. “This is wrong. You’replaying a game and I’ll be the one hurt. Cliff may have hurt me but you’d breakmy heart.”
He crossed to her in two long strides, then cupped her face inhis hands.
“It’s not a game, Violet. I’m moving here because I need to bewith you. If my mother’s death taught me anything, it’s that you have to seizethe moment. To go after the people you love and make them important in yourlife.”
He kissed her lightly. “You’re everything I’ve been lookingfor. I know that sounds like a line, so I’m willing to go slow. But the second Isaw you, I knew. Maybe it’s destiny. All I can say for sure is I will doanything not to lose you.”
She opened her mouth, then closed it. What was she supposed tosay to that?
“You’re not the only one at risk,” he reminded her. “I’mputting myself on the line, too. But there’s nowhere else I want to be.”
The need to believe him burned hotter and brighter than anysun. She was desperate to give herself over to him but wasn’t sure she had it inher to take a leap of faith.
He kissed her again, lingering this time, his mouth soft andwarm.
“You have to heal,” he said. “Not only on the outside, but onthe inside. I’m a patient man. Just do me one favor. Don’t go falling for anyoneelse while that’s happening.”
“Okay,” she whispered, the word coming out involuntarily.
“You’d kind of be a hard act to follow.”
He grinned. “I like hearing that.” The smile faded. “Don’tfreak out, Violet, but I intend to marry you. You’re the one.”
The world jolted once. She stared at him, unable to speak.
Don’t say it if you don’t meanit.
She wasn’t sure if she thought the words or said them out loud.Either way, he heard them.
“I mean it,” he told her.
“I’ve never been the one before.”
“You’d better get used to it. We Johnson men tend to bond forlife.”
He dropped his arms to her shoulders and drew her close. Shestepped closer, willing to give him the chance he’d asked for, to maybe trustjust a little.
“What if this takes longer than you think?” she askedsuddenly.
“I’ll be right here. I promise. I don’t scare easily, nor do Igive up.”
“I won’t give up, either,” she promised, knowing it was as muchas she had to pledge right now. But the promise of more filled her with ahappiness she hadn’t experienced in a long time. Maybe ever.
* * *
“What if he hates me?” Jenna asked nervously as shehovered in the living room of her parents’ house.
“Why would he hate you?” Beth asked patiently.
“I’m dating his father. He might resent me.”
“Just be yourself. Children respect that.”