Page 28 of Already Home
“Mom,” Jenna said, rolling her eyes. “Don’t frightenViolet.”
“I’m not frightened, I’m jealous,” Violet teased. She leanedtoward Beth and lowered her voice. “Although Jenna is your daughter and that would fall under the category of too muchinformation.”
“You’re right. I’ll keep it to myself. I wouldn’t want to seemlike I’m bragging.” Beth hugged Violet, then Jenna. “You girls are a great team.Call me if you need anything.”
“We will,” Jenna assured her.
When she’d left, Violet sighed. “I really like her. She’sgreat.”
“I know. I was lucky when they picked me.”
“Speaking of luck...or getting lucky...”
Jenna laughed. “Are we going to talk about your date nextTuesday?”
“I thought we’d talk about a certain doctor I know. I’dforgotten all about him, but I spotted him last night at Three-Legged Willie’sand I thought of you.”
Jenna took a step back and held up both hands. “No,thanks.”
“I haven’t offered anything yet.”
“But you’re going to.”
“He would be the perfect rebound guy,” Violet told her. “He’scute, he’s funny, sophisticated. The best part is he’s a total player. He neverwants to get involved. Rumor has it he’s great in bed. The exact qualities youwant in a rebound guy.”
Jenna shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“He has too much experience. I don’t want to be compared toother women and found wanting. Can’t I start with someone who’s grateful I wouldeven consider sleeping with him?”
Violet laughed. “See, this is why you’d be great together.”
Jenna thought about pointing out she hadn’t been kidding, butwhy sound even more pathetic with the truth?
“Can I give him your number?”
Jenna hesitated, then drew in a breath and nodded. “I can’twait,” she lied.
“Have you tried the cookies?” Beth asked,holding out the tray. “They’re beyond delicious. If you’re having anything closeto a bad day, they’ll make you feel better. I think they cure just aboutanything emotional.” She flashed a smile. “My daughter made them. And no, shedoesn’t get her cooking skills from me. I wish she did.”
Jenna smiled to herself as she rang up a large purchase. Bethwas working a few hours so Violet could leave early and get ready for her hotdate with the finance guy. Her mother was the best PR person around. So farshe’d sold two of the most expensive mixers in the store, an entire set of potsand three Keurig coffeemakers.
The two women Beth was speaking to each sampled a cookie. Theirtiny, polite bites were followed by moans that made Jenna feel all quiveryinside. She loved it when people appreciated her food.
The smell of chocolate drifted through the store, the result ofher morning baking combined with the sweet scent of the berries she’d pureedearlier. Fruit and chocolate was always a winning combination.
She had the sudden urge to work with crepes. Chocolate with anunexpected bite. Or maybe rolled chocolate, like a cannoli, filled with a fruitand cream mixture.
“Is there a recipe?” the taller woman asked, bringing Jennaback to the moment.
“Yes.” Beth leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Evenbetter—there are bags by the register with all the dry ingredients alreadymeasured. You only have to add eggs and butter at home. Isn’t that the best? Youcould make these tonight. I know I’m going to. My husband loves them.”
The two women turned and looked at Jenna. She finished with hercustomer, then held up the bags.
“Were you talking about these?” she asked innocently. “Thecookies? We’re having trouble keeping the ingredients in stock.”