Page 35 of Already Home
“Ah, no. This is my first. I used to be a chef.”
“Yes, I...” The woman cleared her throat. “Here locally?”
“In different cities. Mostly the southwest. Also LosAngeles.”
“But you’ve only been back in Texas a few months, right?”
Jenna stared at her. “How did you know that?” she askedslowly.
“Serenity has always enjoyed cooking,” the man said, notanswering the question. “She can make anything.”
The woman sighed. “That’s not true.” She wrinkled her nose.“Not meat. We’re vegetarians. Partly because of the animals and partly theenvironment. If we stopped growing corn as animal feed we could cure hunger in asingle generation.”
“I didn’t know that,” Jenna murmured, wondering how to politelyexcuse herself from the couple. While she was always pleased to have newcustomers, these two made her nervous. How had the woman known Jenna had been inGeorgetown only a few months?
“We’re from California,” Serenity added. Her eyes were darkgreen, her cheeks pale. “The Napa area. Have you been there?”
“For a couple of weekend getaways. It’s very beautiful.” Shetook another step back, feeling uneasy. “I’ll let you look around.”
“Oh, Tom,” Serenity said softly. “I can’t believe this ishappening.”
Happening? What did that mean? Whatever it was, it couldn’t begood.
Jenna glanced at Violet, who was already heading for the phone.Jenna wondered if they were going to rob her or if it would be worse. Worrysettled like a rock in her stomach.
“Should we tell her now?” Serenity asked.
The man—Tom—nodded.
“Jenna, we’re Tom and Serenity Johnson.” He grinned, lookingsuddenly boyish. “Tom, short for Atomic.”
Great, Jenna thought, fighting hysterics. They were going to berobbed by hippies. How humiliating.
“I thought you’d feel it,” Serenity said, staring intently atJenna, as if searching for something. “The connection. I’d hoped you would. Atfirst I was waiting for you, but now...” She sighed. “I want you to know, butonly because it’s time. I hope you know that. I couldn’t wait anymore. Am Imaking sense?”
“Not in the least.”
Serenity smiled and held out her hand, as if expecting Jenna totake it. “We’re...” She swallowed, looked at Tom, then turned her attention backto Jenna. “We’re your birth parents.”
Violet had only gotten to the nine in9-1-1. Slowly she put the phone down and stared at the three people standing inthe middle of the store.
Serenity and Tom gazed at Jenna with expressions that werealmost beatific. Love, hope and happiness shone in their eyes. Jenna, on theother hand, looked as if she was going to bolt the second she found the abilityto move.
Jenna’s birth parents? Violet remembered Jenna telling hershe’d been adopted, but she’d had no interest in getting in touch with herbiological parents. It was obvious from her wide eyes and scary-white face thatSerenity and Tom were completely unexpected.
Not knowing what else to do, Violet crossed to Jenna andlightly touched her back, wanting her to know she wasn’t alone.
“Are you okay?” she whispered.
“No,” Jenna breathed.
Serenity’s smile never wavered. “I’m sure this is a surprise.It is for me, too. I’ve been waiting to meet you, but I knew it was importantfor you to come to us. That you would have questions. I was as surprised as youwhen the universe instead told me to come to you. I’m so delighted we canfinally be together.”
Violet felt Jenna stiffen. Personally, she wanted to ask whatthe message from the universe was but didn’t think Jenna would appreciatethat.
“I don’t understand,” Jenna whispered, her voice breathless andsoft.