Page 45 of Already Home
Maybe she should do a pizza class, she thought absently. Howpizza could be made with just about anything. It was a fun way to use upleftovers, and the mothers might appreciate it as a way to get their kids to eatall kinds of things.
Beth was laughing by the end of her story. “He actually said hecould please any woman? There’s a claim. You should have taken him up onit.”
“I’m not sure sex with a stranger is a stress I need rightnow.”
“It might make you feel better. Clear out the pipes, so tospeak.”
“Mom!” Jenna was shocked. “I’m your daughter.”
“You’re an adult. It could be fun. Dr. Mark soundsintriguing.”
“Then you go out with him.”
“I’m married.”
“I’m not sure that would bother him at all.”
Jenna moved toward her mother, who hugged her tight.
“You doing all right?” Beth asked.
Jenna knew they weren’t talking about her date anymore. “I’mdealing. They haven’t been in the store again, which is good. I’ll see themSunday.”
“Yes, you will. It will be fine, you’ll see. We’ll all getalong.” Beth touched Jenna’s cheek. “Want to spend the night?”
Jenna thought about her familiar room upstairs. The bed she’dhad since she was a teenager. Not that she’d used it much, once she’d left forcollege. The attached bathroom was probably still stocked with her old perfumesand acne treatments.
“You should clean it out and make it a guest room.”
“We have a guest room.”
“Then take up a hobby. Scrapbooking or knitting. Only Ewe hasclasses.”
“I like that it’s your room. It makes me happy.”
Jenna held on to her mother and kissed the top of her head. “Iwould love to stay the night.”
* * *
Violet was waiting when Jenna arrived at work the nextmorning.
“Now it’s my turn to want details,” her friend said. “Tell meeverything.”
Jenna laughed. “Mark was exactly as you promised. Handsome andmore than willing to take care of my personal plumbing.”
Violet’s dark eyebrows drew together. “Why don’t I like thesound of that? It didn’t go well, did it?”
“Not exactly. Mark was thinking that sex was a sure thing,while I wasn’t sure I was ready to date.”
“Oh, God. That’s not good. What happened?”
Jenna gave her the basic details as she put her purse on theshelf and led the way into the store.
“I’m sorry. I should have been more clear with him.”
Jenna shook her head. “I don’t think that would have helped.He’s a man on a mission. When last I saw him, he was off to seduce therestaurant hostess. What I’m curious about is the potential pool of women. Theway he goes through them, isn’t he in danger of running out?”
“True, but he travels a lot.” Violet winced. “I’m sorry it wasso horrible.”