Page 51 of Already Home
“I know, but you’re so busy with the store. I didn’t want tobother you. This way, you can just enjoy yourself.” Her mother touched hercheek. “I hate to burden you when you have so much going on.”
Jenna stared into her eyes and told herself to accept Beth’swords at face value.
“Okay.” She set the cinnamon rolls on the counter. “These needa three-fifty oven for forty minutes.”
Her father strolled into the kitchen. She walked toward him ashe held out his arms.
“How’s my girl?” he asked, hugging her as he kissed the top ofher head.
“Did your mother tell you she wanted the meal to bevegetarian?”
“I never said that,” Beth said primly, setting out champagneglasses. “I said we were having vegetarian dishes. Serenity said they would eateggs and cheese. I’m being supportive. Besides, there are going to be breakfastmeats, too.”
“Only because I insisted.” Marshall winked at his daughter.“God put us at the top of the food chain for a reason.”
“Brace yourself,” Jenna said. “Serenity is bringing adish.”
“I’m sure it will be delicious,” Beth said. “You are both tobehave.”
“Breakfast lentils,” Jenna teased. “Yummy.”
Marshall groaned. “Tell me again why they’re coming?”
“Because I invited them. They’re family.”
Her dad squeezed her. “Your family, not mine,” he whispered.“They’re not related to me.”
Jenna laughed.
Beth pointed to the doorway. “You’re making trouble, Marshall.Get out until you hear the doorbell. Then you may greet our company and open thechampagne.”
“We’re drinking at breakfast?”
“We’re having mimosas. Now git.”
Marshall strolled out the way he’d come.
“That man,” Beth grumbled. “He torments me because he can.”
Watching her parents together made Jenna feel a little better.At least some parts of her world were where they should be.
“All right,” she said, crossing to the refrigerator. “What didyou pay those people to bring you?”
“Two kinds of quiche,” Beth said, motioning to the oven. “Onewith only eggs, cheese and vegetables and one that is the quiche equivalent ofan all-meat pizza. For your father.”
“A fresh fruit plate, scones, a tray of breakfast meats I onlyneed to warm for ten minutes and petit fours.”
“Petit fours?”
“Those are for me. For later.”
Jenna laughed. “Mom, you make me crazy.”
“Then I must be doing something right. Come on. Let’s put inyour cinnamon rolls.”