Page 57 of Already Home
“Maybe. I’m afraid everyone will assume I’m teaching this classso I can meet eligible guys.”
“Want me to make you a button that says you’re not?”
Jenna glared at her assistant. “Don’t make me hurt you.”
“Oh, please. I’m the tough one here.” Just then her cell phonechirped. Violet grinned as she reached into her apron pocket. “It’s Cliff.”
“Oh, yeah. You’re really tough. Practically a marine.”
“I’m ignoring you,” Violet said as she looked at the screen,then laughed. “He wants to know if he should feel threatened by all thegood-looking single guys trying to pick me up.”
Jenna glanced around the empty store. “I would say that’s ano.”
The class for singles had seemed like such a good idea at thetime, but now she wasn’t so sure. She didn’t know which would be worse—if no onecame or if there were a lot of people. She was still mentally recovering fromher date with Dr. Mark. Not to mention the stress of getting her business up andrunning and hey, new parents. Not much room or time left for a social life.
Violet slipped her phone back into her pocket. “I reminded himI’m still at work and can’t text with him.”
“You’re seeing him tonight?” Jenna asked, already suspectingthe answer.
“You’ve been going out with him a lot.”
“This is the third date this week.”
“That’s nice.” Jenna could be genuinely happy for Violet. Cliffsounded great.
“It is and so is he.” Violet leaned against the counter andsighed. “We’re taking it slow, physically. I like that. It makes me feel thathe’s in it for more than sex.”
“Why wouldn’t he be?”
“A lot of guys just want to get laid.”
“You mean like Dr. Mark?”
Violet winced. “I really am sorry about that.”
“I know. It’s okay. If I change my mind, I know who tocall.”
The front door opened and Serenity breezed in. She’d taken todropping by the store every few days, so Jenna wasn’t surprised.
“Hi,” she called. “Does Tom know you’re here for my singlesclass?”
Serenity laughed. “He trusts me. Our souls have connected in away that can never be undone. Hello, Violet. How’s that young man of yours?”
“Good. I’m seeing him tonight.”
As they chatted, Jenna studied Serenity. As always, she worecolorful, loose-fitting clothing. This evening’s outfit was cream-color pantswith several red ribbons sewn down the side. Her top fell to midthigh, with bellsleeves, the fabric a paisley explosion of red.
Serenity was someone who could talk about souls connecting in avery New Age kind of way, only to ask about Violet’s boyfriend in theold-fashioned terms of “your young man.”
“What’s on the menu for tonight?” Serenity asked.
“Pasta,” Jenna told her. “Something easy to make for a date.You’ll be pleased to know it’s vegetarian.”
“I’ll get you converted before you know it.”
Jenna smiled rather than respond. She thought about mentioningthe rice pudding recipe she’d experimented with but decided not to.