Page 59 of Already Home
“I’ve been experimenting with different things lately.”
“Well, it’s delicious. Is it hard? Could I make it?”
“Sure.” Jenna wrinkled her nose. “You really like it? You’renot just saying that?”
If Beth didn’t know better, she would swear her daughter waswaiting to be scolded. “You know you always have brilliant ideas for newrecipes. This one is great. You should use it in one of your classes. Speakingof which, how did it go? Any likely prospects?”
“There were three guys and twelve women. I didn’t have achance.” Jenna shrugged. “But the class itself was good. I did an easy pastadish. I’m going to work up complete menus and also some ideas for dishes thatcan be prepared in advance and then frozen.”
“Sounds like a great idea. Not everyone has your ability towhip up a delicious dinner with soda crackers and pepper.”
“Even I would have trouble with that.” She glanced over Beth’sshoulder.
Beth turned. “What?”
“Oh, just wondering when Serenity is going to pop in. She’shere nearly every day.”
“She’s in a strange city and her husband is gone. She’slonely.”
“I know and I appreciate her interest, but does she have tocome here all the time?” Jenna looked at her mother. “While I’m complaining, whydo you always take her side?”
“I understand her. Don’t forget, I’m the one who got you,Jenna. She’s the one who gave you up.”
“That was her choice. I’m not angry she did. I had a greatchildhood. It’s just that sometimes she talks about how she’s been waiting forme to come to her. That she and Tom thought I would be interested in finding outabout my biological past. Then I feel guilty for never having seriously wonderedabout them.”
Beth glanced around at the colorful store. Music played fromhidden speakers. The sound was appealing and faintly Italian. The scent of basiland chicken lingered from the last class. Sunlight poured in through largewindows.
“This is a welcoming place to be,” she said gently. “Try to bepatient.”
“She’s calling me her ‘daughter.’ At first it was just the onetime, but now it’s in every other sentence.” Jenna paused, as if waiting forBeth to pounce.
Beth took another sip of her coffee. “You are her daughter.”
Jenna groaned. “You are so annoying. Be possessive, likeeveryone else. She’s also fixing me up on a date. She met Ellington at a healingcenter. Apparently our auras match or something.”
A date did seem as if it was going too far, but Beth onlyshrugged. “Maybe you’ll like him.”
“Doubtful, but I’ll go.” Jenna lowered her voice. “It’s notthat I really mind any of that, but everything feels forced to me. If we’regoing to have a relationship, it will take time. She’s pushing things.”
“Maybe she wants to make up for lost time. You should give hera chance, honey. The two of you have a lot in common.”
“DNA doesn’t make a relationship.”
“It’s a start. You look a lot like her, you have similarcharacteristics. They say intelligence passes through the mother.”
Jenna set down her coffee and crossed her arms over her chest.“She doesn’t know me. If there’s any love it’s for who she thinks I am or whoshe wants me to be. She wasn’t there when I was little. She’s not the one whoread to me or taught me to ride a bike or took care of me when I was sick.”
Beth nearly got lost in a wave of memories. “We were so luckyto get you.”
Jenna hugged her. “I’m the lucky one. I love you. I don’t wanther getting in the way of that.”
Beth straightened. “Is that what you think? That you have topick? You don’t. I’ll always be here for you. Maybe it would help if you thoughtof Serenity as someone to be friends with.”
Jenna looked startled, then laughed. “Typical. You come up witha solution while I’m still defining the problem. You’re right. That is the bestway to deal with her. Stop thinking of her as someone who wants to be my motherand think of her as a friend.” She wrinkled her nose. “A slightly pushy friendwho won’t eat cheese.”
The front door opened. Jenna looked past Beth. “Speak of thedevil.”
Beth turned and saw Serenity had entered the store. She was sotall and beautiful, Beth thought. For once she was in jeans that showed off herlong thin legs.