Page 7 of Already Home

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Page 7 of Already Home

“My new plan is to not date,” she finished with a shrug.


“I wish, but I’ll give in. This time I’m determined to get itright,” Violet said. “I’m going to keep saying no until I’m sure. Except all theones I say no to turn out to be great. My radar sucks. I guess next time I needto say yes when I want to say no. Reverse psychology and all that.”

Jenna raised her perfectly plucked eyebrows. “You get asked outa lot?”

“Sure. Hourly. Don’t you?”

“Not exactly.”

Violet didn’t believe that. Jenna was that irresistiblecombination of fire and class. “Maybe because you were married.”

“I don’t think so. Guys are rarely interested in me.”

Violet nearly choked on her drink. “Then you’re not payingattention. Trust me, men are interested.”

“I’m sort of avoiding men right now,” Jenna admitted. “Aaroncheated, so I’m being cautious.”

Her ex had cheated? Violet had to consciously keep her mouthfrom dropping open. If a guy would cheat on someone like Jenna, what chance didthe rest of them have?

Someone tapped on the front door, then pushed it open. “Hi. Ihope I’m not interrupting.”

Jenna stood gracefully and crossed to the other woman. “Perfecttiming. We were just taking a break.”

As Violet watched, the two women embraced.

They couldn’t have been more different. Jenna was tall andthin, with fiery auburn hair. The other woman, older, was a petite, curvy blondewith big blue eyes and a ready smile. Violet had seen enough fake relationshipsto recognize real affection, maybe even love, when she saw it.

She’d already guessed their connection when Jenna turned andsaid, “Violet, this is my mom, Beth Stevens. Mom, this is Violet.”

Violet scrambled to her feet and held out her hand. “Nice tomeet you, Mrs. Stevens.”

“Beth, please.” The other woman shook her hand, then touchedthe half dozen or so silver bracelets on Violet’s wrist. “I love these.” Shefingered the black leather woven through a thick chain. “Do you change thecord?”

“I could but I usually don’t.”

“I should wear something like that.”

Violet did her best not to look surprised. Beth was elegantlydressed in tailored pants and a fitted long-sleeved shirt that had more than apassing resemblance to silk. Her jewelry was delicate and understated, exceptfor a honking big diamond next to an eternity wedding band. Violet would guessthe watch alone would cover her rent for close to a year.

So this was how the other half lived, she thought, curiousrather than envious.

Beth studied Violet’s face. “You’ve conquered the smoky eye,”she said with a sigh. “I’ve tried and tried. I end up looking tired or as if Ihave makeup smudged over half my face.” She wrinkled her pert nose. “I suppose Ishould let it go. I suspect the smoky eye look is like a miniskirt. Ridiculousafter a certain age.”

Before Violet could figure out what to say, Beth had linkedarms with her. “So what are you two girls up to? Unpacking, obviously. Is itcoming together?”

Jenna explained about the chart on the wall and how the storewould be set up. Violet was caught up in the maternal hold of a woman she’dbarely met. Normally she didn’t like to be touched by strangers. An unexpectedbacklash, given her previous profession. But there was something warm andwelcoming about Beth. As if she were the kind of woman who took in strays of allkinds.

“I love the kitchen,” Beth said, leading Violet toward the rearof the store. “People are going to be so excited to learn new cookingtechniques. With you right there, they can practice until they get itright.”

“Jenna’s going to be doing the cooking,” Violet said, notsurprised that Beth had assumed the customers would get to do it. That was theplan that made the most sense. It was easy for people to drift away from acooking demonstration.

“Oh.” Beth glanced at her daughter. “That will work, too, I’msure.”

Jenna shifted uncomfortably. For a second, Violet almost feltsorry for her. Retail was its own world and not an easy place for theinexperienced. Wouldn’t Jenna have done better to open a restaurant? That washer area of expertise.

“Look at the beautiful ceramic bowls Jenna picked out,” Violetsaid, leading Beth toward a row of shelves. “Don’t you love how the colorspop?”

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