Page 35 of Blood Pearl
Take the bull by the horns is the saying, so I’m going for it. “Let’s get this done, shall we, Eve? You wanted to be the Alpha of what is now my pack. But you are not capable with your temperament to be a pack alpha. You would bully and humiliate all that you felt were not strong enough. Those, as you call lesser shifters just need nurturing, showing how special and cared for they are. How important their role in the pack is. If you had taken control of this pack, it would be gone now.”
What happens next, not one of us could predict. Eve shifts with a large snarl into her wolf, Misty, and launches across the table. Now I am more than amazed when Gerry is on his feet and snatches her out of the air before she reaches me.
Flint’s wolf Bruno comes forth and slams into Misty and Gerry. Gerry releases Misty and Bruno pins her to the ground. Bruno has his fangs dug into her neck and no one dares to move. We all are on our feet and waiting for what will happen next.
Lykos gives a chuckle, “Well, that sure was interesting. I think we need Eve back at the council and we’ll hold a special meeting. I, for one, don’t think she is fit to hold her position any longer.”
Bruno shifts back and Flint grabs Misty by the scruff and whispers into her ear. Whimpering at whatever he has said, Misty shifts and Eve stands defiantly staring at Flint, then the rest of the council members.
“Gerry, take Eve to her room, place two warriors outside her window and two outside her door. She remains there until we leave. She sees and speaks to no one. Oh, and put a silver cuff on her wrist so she can’t shift or communicate with anyone.” Flint states, and we all look at him shocked, because not one of us has heard of a council member having a cuff placed on them previously.
Gerry mind links with someone as he grasps Eve’s upper arm, and guides her out of the room. We all hear him telling her not to try shifting or link anyone because he didn’t want to have to hurt her by knocking her out.
Once the door is closed, everyone sits for a few minutes saying nothing. We are all shocked with what happened, and are struggling to come to terms with it.
Giggling has us turning to look at Cinder, who has her hand over her mouth. But when she throws her head back laughing, I think my eyes nearly pop out of my head. Roman, her mate, is looking at her aghast before taking her hand and patting it, obviously thinking it may help.
“That is the best meeting I have ever attended.” Cinder wipes her cheeks clean of the tears her laughter created.
Merry chuckles. “Yeah, I can see your point. It hasn’t been a stuffy, boring one.”
Flints gives them both an amused look before speaking, “Okay, let’s get to business so we can all be done. I’ve spoken to my contact regarding the shadow warrior, and he will get back to me today sometime. He thinks because of the issue we are talking about, the shadow warrior will assist. If this Arric takes any of our packs, he’ll not stop at that. He’ll want to spread his wings. If he sees himself as being a King he’ll want control of all packs throughout our Kingdom, so it will affect more than our area.”
Porter drums his fingers on the table. “We need to stop this, and we’ve known for a long time but never had the opportunity. If we can get the information, then we should strike. As the council, we need to speak with all the packs, in all of our areas, that includes the Northern, Southern and Western Parklands. No-man’s-land was once the Eastern Parklands, but after the bad rogues, as we should call them, took it over, it’s never been thought of as that again.”
“Let’s convene, get the information about the shadow warrior, and get Eve back to the council chambers. You have warriors now that have eased your situation on patrols. Alpha Lyle also has extra help. You have more warriors coming too, so hold your ground, Aurora. Call any of us if you need anything. Don’t think only Flint can and will help you.” Ulmer stands and walks over to me, and as I stand, he holds his hand out for me to shake. It’s not a common move for shifters, but I understand he is giving me a visual respect that cannot be disputed.
“Thank you. I will do my best.”
One-by-one the council members leave and Flint gives me a wink as he turns to leave. “I’ll let you know as soon as I hear about the shadow warrior. I’m going back with the other council members as we have someone to remove from the council and give out a punishment.” When he rubs his hands together and grins I giggle because who would have known he could be so amusing.
Gerry returns as Raina and I are settling into seats at my desk. “All done. She was a biter. She bit Roul as he was putting the cuff on her. But boy, he grabbed her neck and shook her. I think he scared the shit out of her, to be truthful. It was amusing and as we left he was humming jauntily.”
“Oh, my, it was a bit of a shock. But she’s been pushing the council for a long time, and doing this in a meeting put her in the line of fire. I don’t think she’ll keep her position after this, but I’ll be interested in her punishment,” Raina grins.
“You’ve got to come and watch Taria with Roul now that he’s back on the training field. She is strong, and she has surprised herself, I’m sure.” Gerry leaves the office and we walk along with him.
Watching Taria fight, I am surprised and very proud. I feel so bad that I let her down, but I hope she knows how much I love her, and I’d do anything I could for her. I still have to make the call to Blackshadow and Wolfsfoot Packs yet. But she’s not quite ready to go, so I’m not going to be pushing for her to go anywhere.
“When are we going to sneak off?” I ask Gerry.
“Tonight. We’ll wait until the pack is asleep, then we’ll make our move.”
“I will be ready.”
“So will we.” Both Gerry and I turn, hearing someone speak behind us.
Gerry groans when he sees two female council warriors standing behind us, both with arms folded over their chests and looking more than determined.
“You know you could be in deep trouble if you come with us? You may even lose your warrior placing,” Gerry warns.
“Look, if it’s important, we’ll do it.”
“Alpha Aurora, meet Sharon and Aggie.”
I give them both a nod of the head, but before I can speak, the one named Aggie asks, “So, where are we going?”
Gerry groans again, I giggle, and Raina full on laughs. The two female warriors smirk, but I leave it to Gerry to sort out and walk away, giving Taria a wave when she notices me watching.