Page 40 of Blood Pearl
Finishing all that needs my attention in the office, I quickly make my way home, freshen up, and change before jumping on my motorcycle and heading to Wolfsfoot and Tatiana.
Parking my bike outside the newly built packhouse. It’s a beautiful place, and the pack has paid a lot of attention to the flower borders, which they’ve intermingled with herbs. It looks fascinating when you notice mint, rosemary and others peeking out from behind flowers.
Sitting with a cup of tea in my hand and looking at Tatiana, who is glowing with health and confidence, I can’t help but think how far she has come from when I first met her.
“Stop reminiscing, and tell me why you are here,” Tatiana asks, but she’s got a mischievous look on her face.
“Taria, daughter of Alpha Aurora, is the mate of Bronze, who is Alpha Heir of the Eclipse Pack. They are at odds at the moment even though they are mates. I think Alpha Aurora will contact you to help Taria learn the role of Luna. If you can give her the same help you were given, you know, pass it on, so to speak, that would be good….” Holding my hand up because I know she’s going to say something, “I know you will as you are that kind of person, but as a council member I have to ask you to help another become the best they can for the role.”
“I would do it as a matter of politeness. I understand how she must be feeling, to a degree anyway. Is Bronze a fit male? Is he going to be a suitable mate for her?” Tatiana is showing her Luna tendencies to care, and it is heartwarming to witness.
“Yes, he is a fit male. He knows the Eclipse pack members would not accept a weak Luna, and as Taria hadn’t been training and has not had any official role, it would be seen as a weakness.”
“I see. Well, I can help her if, or when I’m contacted. Don’t worry about that, Flint.”
Before either of us can continue our conversation, the door of the apartment flies open and none other than Brod runs inside. “Oh, hi, Councilman Flint, how you doing?”
Keeping the grin from my face, I respond, “I’m fine. Thank you for asking. How are you? Still warrior training?”
“Yes, I am still training.” Brod gives me a puffed out chest and a serious look, obviously trying to impress me.
“You have certainly grown since I last saw you. In height and width.”
“Well, I am a growing shifter, and since the Goddess has extended the time to finding our mates, I have more time to become strong to protect what will be mine.”
“Ah, it was a good move on her part. I think eighteen is a better age to find a mate.” I give him a steady look, and the little devil is grinning at something.
“Brod, why are you here?” Tatiana asks.
“Well, Tati, sis, friend, I…”
“Stop with the bull. What are you doing here? Why are you not at training?” Tatiana gives him her Luna look, and he can’t resist answering.
“Aw, come on Tati.”
Before he can say more, the door opens and Alpha Gabriel walks into the apartment, giving Tatiana a hot look that could melt anyone.
“My love, how are you?” Gabriel murmurs as he stands Tatiana on her feet, pushes his nose in her neck and takes a huge lungful of her scent.
“Alpha Gabe, don’t start that again. We got things to be doing, people to see, you know, jobs,” Brod smirks.
Alpha Gabriel looks over his shoulder and gives Brod a filthy look, before kissing Tatiana, placing her back in her seat and turning to give me his attention.
I find this all highly amusing because most mates act this way, whether they have been away from their mates for a minute or five hours. But the love between these two is so pure it is something every shifter would love to emulate.
“Good day, Councilman Flint. What brings you here today?”
“Oh, I’ve completed my business with Tatiana, and if I’m honest, I just wanted to feel the wind in my face for a while. I’m informing you officially that Eve Planter is no longer a council member, so if she causes any problems for you please contact me, or as Alpha,” turning to look at Gabriel, “you have every right to deal with her as you see fit.”
I’m watching Brod out of the corner of my eye and slowly turning toward him, I watch as he’s bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. Swinging his arms as though exercising and just burning off energy.
The door opens, Drake walks in, gives everyone a nod, grabs Brod by the collar and drags him out the door. All without saying a word. I look at Gabriel and he is grinning broadly.
“When are you leaving, Flint?”
“I can leave now if you have other things to do?” I reply.
“Oh, I’ve better things to do,” Gabriel grins. “See yourself out.”